Lasagna Bandages

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Lasagna Bandages

Lasagna Bandages

Type: Combat / Noncombat
MP Cost: 6

This spell summons some enchanted lasagna noodles, which can be used as bandages, healing some of your HP.

Source: Guild Trainer
Price: 500 Meat
Class: Pastamancer
Level: 3
Effect: Heals 10-30 HP out of combat, or 10-20 HP in combat
When Used:
  • Out of combat:
You call forth bandages of lasagna.
HPYou gain 10-30 hit points.
  • In combat:
You call forth bandages of lasagna and apply them to your wounds.
HPYou gain 10-20 hit points.


CRITICAL HEAL! You call forth bandages of lasagna and apply them to your wounds.
HPYou gain 20-40 hit points.

See Also