Labór Day

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Today is Labór Day!
Enjoy 10 extra Adventures today, courtesy of Manuel Labór!
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Today the Kingdom celebrates the achievements of union boss Manuel Labór, who successfully lobbied the various industries of Loathing for longer hours and shorter breaks. After successfully lengthening both the workday and the workweek, and negotiating less vacation time, Labór was dragged out into the streets and hung, drawn, painted, messily sketched, quartered, eighthed, fed to wolves, and given an atomic wedgie by outraged laborers. Everyone works just a little harder today to celebrate his demise -- but not too much harder, of course.



  • The 10 extra adventures are granted during rollover only. In particular, you will not get the bonus 10 adventures again upon ascending.
  • The extra 10 adventures are subject to the rollover cap of 200 adventures. For example, if you would normally wake up with 196 adventures, then the extra Labór Day adventures will leave you with 200 adventures (not 206).


  • This holiday refers to the real-life holiday Labor Day, which takes place in the USA on the first Monday in September, and observed as Labour Day on various dates elsewhere in the world.
  • Manuel Labór's name is a play on the term "manual labor".


  • Originally, the extra 10 rollover adventures were added after rollover cap of 200 adventures, allowing you to get 210 adventures. This was silently changed for Labór Day XXXV (December 10, 2016).

See Also