Knob Goblin superseltzer

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Is the old ten-leaf clover adventure for getting this completely gone, or was another source added somewhere?

Knob Goblin superseltzer
Knob Goblin superseltzer

This is an extremely fizzy beverage concocted by the Knob Goblin Mad Scientists. If there were some sort of clown-themed superhero in the Kingdom, he would use this to fight crime. But there isn't.

The superseltzer will restore a large number of MP when drunk.

Type: usable (also usable in combat)
Selling Price: 49 Meat.

Restores 25-29 MP

(In-game plural: Knob Goblin superseltzers)
View metadata
Item number: 345
Description ID: 619512514
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Barrel full of Barrels
Knob Goblin Very Mad Scientist
Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Believe it or Not (with ten-leaf clover)

When Used

  • From inventory:
You drink the superseltzer. Superfizzy!
MPYou gain 25-29 Mana Points.
  • In combat:
MPYou gain 25-29 Mana Points.


  • Until June 3rd, 2007, this item's description was "This is an extremely fizzy beverage concocted by the Knob Goblin Mad Scientists. It will restore a large number of MP when drunk."

See Also


"345" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.