Knob Goblin Lust Frenzy

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Knob Goblin Lust Frenzy

Knob Goblin Lust Frenzy

You feel pretty. Oh so pretty. You feel pretty, and witty, and very much like a Knob Goblin.

Moxie +2

View metadata
Effect number: 11
Description ID: 3e2c81c59d65d6e8332d64e073f6cc18
View in-game: view

Obtained from


  • The description of this effect is a play on the lyrics of the song "I Feel Pretty" from the musical West Side Story. The lyrics differ slightly depending on whether the stage ("I feel pretty / Oh, so pretty / I feel pretty and witty and bright!") or screen version ("I feel pretty / Oh, so pretty / I feel pretty, and witty and gay") is being discussed.

See Also