Kneecapping stick

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kneecapping stick
kneecapping stick

This is a stick used by the Penguin Mafia to break the knees of those who fail to bend to their whim. Because if you're not going to bend to the Penguin Mafia's whims, your knees are not going to bend in the right direction anymore.

Type: weapon (1-handed club)
Damage: 9 - 18
Muscle Required: 30
Selling Price: 95 Meat.

+8% chance of Critical Hit

(In-game plural: kneecapping sticks)
View metadata
Item number: 776
Description ID: 486015986
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Nemesis Quest
Mob Penguin hitman
frozen Mob Penguin
Obsoleted Areas/Methods
The Grim Grimacite Site
Mob Penguin Smasher
The Icy Peak
Mob Penguin Thug
The Icy Peak in The Recent Past
Mob Penguin Thug


  • This is a reference to a classic mob threat, breaking one's kneecap in order to manipulate someone.

See Also


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