Kindly Resolve

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Kindly Resolve

Kindly Resolve

Now, when somebody asks you the classic trick question "Have you stopped beating your familiars?" you can confidently answer "Yes. Yes I have."

+5 to Familiar Weight

View metadata
Effect number: 984
Description ID: 853f46db06b5ac93411a309e4df63104
View in-game: view

Obtained From

See Also

Summoned Resolutions
Resolution Effect
wealthier Greedy Resolve +30% Meat from Monsters
happier Joyful Resolve +15% Items from Monsters
feistier Destructive Resolve Weapon Damage +20
Spell Damage +20
stronger Strong Resolve +2 Muscle Stats Per Fight
smarter Brilliant Resolve +2 Mysticality Stats Per Fight
sexier Irresistible Resolve +2 Moxie Stats Per Fight
kinder Kindly Resolve +5 to Familiar Weight
luckier Fortunate Resolve Bonus Luck!
(several small bonuses)
more adventurous n/a +2 Rollover Adventures