Just the Facts

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Spadebal.gif There are some vague or non-exact figures and information on this page. Some spading is required.

  • For Kurma's sake, this needs SO much done! Standardization of messages to not include the preamble, listing of the premables somewhere else, biologist names, which animal list the angry god message pulls from, and I'm sure there's more I've missed.

Just the Facts

Just the Facts

Type: Passive
MP Cost: N/A

You know basically every bit of trivia about every monster in the Kingdom. A veritable Ken Jennings of Loathing.

You will recall facts about monsters as you adventure

Source: book of facts
Price: N/A
Class: N/A
Level: N/A
Effect: Monsters are seeded to drop extra items, stats, or effects. Items include pocket wish (3/day), tattered scrap of paper (11/day). Also grants 2 combat skills, Recall Facts: Circadian Rhythms grants an effect that is consumed fighting monsters of the same phylum and grants extra rollover adventures. Recall Facts: Monster Habitats is usable 3x per day to create 4-5 wandering copies of a monster.


  • Usually gives additional items, item drop percent, meat, stats, or effects after combat; monsters that drop nothing might drop something in other battles. The rewards are sometimes also phylum dependent. The messages themselves have some variance to them based on phylum, location, and body parts.
  • The outcome is the same per monster until freeing King Ralph or ascending, as results are based on class and current path (your path changes to "unrestricted" after freeing King Ralph).
  • Two-thirds of monsters has an outcome that can appear in any phylum, and one-third of monsters has a phylum-specific outcome.

Outcome type Phylum Messages Notes
items any I bet you didn't know that the [monster name] has a secret bone in its eye, that if you stick it up your nose, it will grant you a wish.
Whitecard.gifYou acquire an item: pocket wish
Limit 3 per day.
items any Although they won't admit it publicly, biologists agree that the [monster name] has a secret pouch under its solar plexus, where its[sic]? stores its lucky charms.
Trinket.gifYou acquire an item: worthless trinket
Gewgaw.gifYou acquire an item: worthless gewgaw
Knickknack.gifYou acquire an item: worthless knick-knack
Used for trading at The Hermitage
items any Did you know that the [monster name] has a secret plan for hiding its money.
Fatstacks.gifYou acquire an item: fat stacks of cash
items any These monsters have vestigial organ that collects things they can't digest.
SomethingYou acquire... something. [[Data:]]
A single item from the pool of I Refuse! noncombat. Fighting the same monster a second time will provide the same item. This was updated on September 05, 2023 to exclude dead guy's piece of double-sided tape and Ralph IX cognac.
items Beasts These things have a really long muscle near their calf that tastes just like pork!
Longpork.gifYou acquire an item: long pork
items Beasts These things always keep a spare fish on them in case they get hungry. You can find it if you poke around.
Fish.gifYou acquire an item: displaced fish
items Bugs Even non-gnat bugs sometimes have gnat meat in them. Nobody knows why.
Gnatfilet.gifYou acquire an item: filet of tangy gnat ("fotelif")
items Constellations There is a hidden triangle in this constellation that most people don't know about.
Line.gifYou acquire 3 lines
items Constellations At this point, you don't need either a biologist or astronomer to tell you what these guys are made of.
Star.gifYou acquire an item: star
There's a line of 3 stars in this constellation that most people don't know about.
Star.gifYou acquire 3 stars
items Constellations These things always have a secret stash behind one of their stars.
Pill.gifYou acquire an item: alien drugs
When used, gives 15 turns of Space Cowboy, which gives +2 stats per fight.
items Constructs Every [monster name] has a tiny little mechanical core.
SomethingYou acquire... something. [[Data:]]
Base Supertinkering components.
items Demons Scrapings from [monster name] hooves can be used as a cheap alternative to expensive pants-fireproofing chemicals.
Scpowder.gifYou acquire an item: hot powder
items Demons Demonologists claim that demons literally have fire running through their veins, and what do you know! Here it is!
Fire.gifYou acquire an item: fire
items Dudes These guys usually have a bunch of extra armpit hair wadded up in a fold of skin somewhere.
Hairwad.gifYou acquire an item: gob of wet hair
items Dudes Did you know that human beings have a large round bone at the top of their spines, which serves as a hollow case to protect their brains? Yoink!
Smartskull.gifYou acquire an item: smart skull
Brokeskull.gifYou acquire an item: broken skull
items Elementals All elementals of this type, even non-cold ones, have a little bit of cold powder hidden in their arm.
Scpowder.gifYou acquire an item: cold powder
items Elementals [monster name] will always leave some magic-infused chunks behind when defeated.
Scnuggets.gifYou acquire an item: twinkly nuggets
items Elves This type of elf always hates their job, and keeps a bottle hidden in a drawer to ease the day-to-day pain of it.
Bottle.gifYou acquire an item: bottle of whiskey
items Elves A [monster name] always keeps a spare candy cane under their hat.
Candycane.gifYou acquire an item: candy cane
items Fish This type of fish has way more scales than you'd expect.
Scale1.gifYou acquire 3 dull fish scales
items Fish or Mer-Kin You can get a little extra meat from these things if you slice off the bit just under their head.
These guys always stash some raw fish behind their tail.
Filet2.gifYou acquire an item: slick fish meat
Filet1.gifYou acquire an item: beefy fish meat
Filet3.gifYou acquire an item: glistening fish meat
items Goblins If you chop the arm of a goblin like this, you can use it as a mushroom substitute.
Mushroom.gifYou acquire an item: Knob mushroom
items Goblins The main thing goblins like this like to gobble is cottage cheese..
Ccheese.gifYou acquire an item: bowl of cottage cheese
items Goblins Goblins like this always have a bottle of beer concealed in their leg.
Beerbottle.gifYou acquire an item: Cobb's Knob Wurstbrau
items Hippies Fun fact: a [monster name] is always carrying around some fruit.
SomethingYou acquire... something. [[Data:]]
Gain one fruit. The exact list of possibilities is unknown.
items Hippies This type of hippy always keeps a flower tucked behind their leg.
Flower.gifYou acquire an item: pretty flower
items Hippies You can scrape a hippy's bones for some useful powder.
Scpowder.gifYou acquire an item: stench powder
items Hobos These type of hobos always keep a spare nickel hidden under their tongues.
Nickel.gifYou acquire an item: hobo nickel
items Hobos Hobos of this type always keep some extra vodka in a nearby hidey-hole. It's easy to find if you know what you're looking for.
Bottle.gifYou acquire an item: bottle of vodka
items Horrors Burning a black candle is essential to attracting these creatures.
Bcandle.gifYou acquire an item: thin black candle
items Horrors It is possible to go into a trance after defeating [monster name] and do a little bit of automatic writing.
Afuescroll.gifYou acquire an item: scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil
items Humanoids This type of monster knows nothing about wine, but they keep a bottle on hand just to fake it.
Wine.gifYou acquire an item: fine wine
items Mer-Kin Mer-kin like this always keep an extra sheet of seaweed in their pocket in case a maki opportunity arises.
Seaweed.gifYou acquire an item: seaweed
items Orcs These guys always keep some scratch paper on them in case they need to whip up a quick cheat sheet for an upcoming exam.
Tatpaper.gifYou acquire an item: tattered scrap of paper
Limit 11 per day.
items Orcs This type of orc always has a bottle of tequila stashed somewhere nearby in case somebody needs to do an emergency shot. It's just the responsible thing to do.
Bottle.gifYou acquire an item: bottle of tequila
items Orcs Orc sweat can be dried into a useful (if revolting) residue.
Scpowder.gifYou acquire an item: sleaze powder
items Penguins Penguins generally keep some spare ice cubes under their wings.
Ice.gifYou acquire an item: magical ice cubes
items Pirates This type of pirate always keeps a spare eyepatch handy in case they get blinded in their other eye, too.
Eyepatch.gifYou acquire an item: eyepatch
items Pirates Pirates like this always have an extra bottle of rum stashed under their torso.
Bottle.gifYou acquire an item: bottle of rum
items Plants This kind of plant always has a cherry dangling off the side of it, for some reason. It's easy to miss if you don't know to look for it.
Cherry.gifYou acquire an item: cherry
items Undead These things are basically "take a penny, leave a penny" cups, except for bones.
Goodbone.gifYou acquire an item: skeleton bone
items Undead If you look under the head of a giant zombie goldfish, you can find a little bit of extra residual ectoplasm.
Scpowder.gifYou acquire an item: spooky powder
items Weird For some reason, these things leave a weird feather behind after they're defeated.
Coldfeather.gifYou acquire an item: frozen feather
Stenchfeather.gifYou acquire an item: fetid feather
Sleazefeather.gifYou acquire an item: flirtatious feather
Hotfeather.gifYou acquire an item: flaming feather
Spookyfeather.gifYou acquire an item: frightful feather
other any These guys will drop a lot more stuff if you turn them upside down and shake them. +25% to item drops.
other any Any biology textbook will tell you that the [monster name] eye-muscles are particularly dense, and contain twice as much meat as in a normal creature.
or, if the monster is an Penguin (sometimes):
These guys always hide a roll of Meat from their bosses. They keep it under their head.
Meat.gifYou gain X Meat.
An average Meat drop of that monster, not affected by any modifiers. The path modifiers still affect that gain: for instance, a player under Way of the Surprising Fist would only get 10 Meat maximum. Similarly, broke or solid gold monsters will give 5 or 1000 Meat, respectively.

Regular outcome will not occur after defeating monsters without Meat drops. Penguins without Meat drops sometimes still give 100-150 meat.

effect any Did you know that on average every fourth [monster name] is actually made of gummy material? You take a bite out of this one, and sure enough, it is!
Gummiingot.gifYou acquire an effect: Gummiheart
(duration: 10 Adventures)
Gummiingot.gifYou acquire an effect: Gummibrain
(duration: 10 Adventures)
Gummiingot.gifYou acquire an effect: Gummiskin
(duration: 10 Adventures)
Gives the effect on every fourth kill. Gives +100 Muscle, Mysticality, or Moxie, respectively.
effect any Did you know that on average every other [monster name] is actually a piñata? Sure enough, you see some candy oozing out of a hole and grab some to eat.
Sugarcherry.gifYou acquire an effect: Sweet and Red
(duration: 10 Adventures)
Sugarbanana.gifYou acquire an effect: Sweet and Yellow
(duration: 10 Adventures)
Sugarlime.gifYou acquire an effect: Sweet and Green
(duration: 10 Adventures)
Gives the effect on every second kill.
effect any Did you know that the [monster name] has a very particular flavor? Go ahead, give it a try!
Tongueexclam.gifYou acquire an effect: Ooh, Bitter!
(duration: 10 Adventures)
Tongueexclam.gifYou acquire an effect: Ooh, Sweet!
(duration: 10 Adventures)
Tongueexclam.gifYou acquire an effect: Ooh, Salty!
(duration: 10 Adventures)
Tongueexclam.gifYou acquire an effect: Ooh, Sour!
(duration: 10 Adventures)
Tongueexclam.gifYou acquire an effect: Ooh, Umami!
(duration: 10 Adventures)
+5 elemental damage
effect any I bet you didn't know that the [monster name] keeps itself hydrated by storing emergency water in its butt, like a camel.
Raindrop.gifYou acquire an effect: Ultrahydrated
(duration: 5 Adventures)
Helps adventuring in The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert
effect any Monsters 101 will teach you that the [monster name] secretes a natural antiantifreeze from its giblets to keep it cool during the hot summer months.
Celestoil.gifYou acquire an effect: Antiantifrozen
(duration: 10 Adventures)
+3 Hot Resistance
effect any Nine out of ten cryptozoologists agree that the [monster name]'s giblets smell so bad, the human brain temporarily shuts down its scent processing functions rather than deal with it.
Stinknose.gifYou acquire an effect: Disabled Olfactory Processing
(duration: 10 Adventures)
+3 Stench Resistance
effect any It's well known in biology circles that the [monster name]'s guts are so hot, even just imagining cutting one open and crawling inside will keep you warm for hours.
Batgut.gifYou acquire an effect: Imagining Guts
(duration: 10 Adventures)
+3 Cold Resistance
effect any Any competent scientist would agree that the [monster name] has the exact date and time of its own death carved into its %bone%. You check, and it does indeed say %currenttime%.
Scaredeyes.gifYou acquire an effect: Spooked
(duration: 10 Adventures)
+3 Spooky Resistance
effect any Did you know that the [monster name] has a secret orifice that grants great shame to anyone who sees it.
Sad.gifYou acquire an effect: Shamed
(duration: 10 Adventures)
+3 Sleaze Resistance
effect Beasts Did you know the [monster name] lays delicious eggs? In fact, there's one now! You help yourself to it...
Eggplain.gifYou acquire an effect: Egg-stra Arm
(duration: 10 Adventures)
Eggplain.gifYou acquire an effect: Egg-cellent Vocabulary
(duration: 10 Adventures)
Eggplain.gifYou acquire an effect: Egg-stortionary Tactics
(duration: 10 Adventures)
Eggplain.gifYou acquire an effect: Eggs-tra Sensory Perception
(duration: 10 Adventures)
Eggplain.gifYou acquire an effect: Egg-headedness
(duration: 10 Adventures)
effect Bugs or Dudes Holy Cow! You just remembered that these bugs have 37 lives.
These creatures have a lot of nutrients in their kidneys!
This type of person got laser hair removal, so they no longer have to shave.. Isn't that exciting?
This type of person usually has a lot of back problems later in life.. Isn't that exciting?
Emochip1.gifYou acquire an effect: Feeling Excited
(duration: 15 Adventures)
+25 to all stats
effect Bugs The ooze from the broken carapace of these bugs can act as a form of starch.
Box1.gifYou acquire an effect: Industrial Strength Starch
(duration: 15 Adventures)
+20 to all stats
effect Constructs [monster name] parts are durable, and easy to stick to your skin if you apply a little bit of elbow glue.
Scrapmetal.gifYou acquire an effect: Armor-Plated
(duration: 20 Adventures)
Damage Reduction: 10
effect Fish %biologists_say% that the [monster name] is so fishy, even other fish are suspicious of it.
Fish.gifYou acquire an effect: Fishy
(duration: 10 Adventures)
effect Slimes It's totally fun to swim around in the remains of this kind of slime after you defeat it.
Slimed.gifYou acquire an effect: Slimed
(duration: 20 Adventures)
+20 Spooky Damage

Continually take damage

HP restoration any There's a compound in the blood of this particular creature that acts as a potent medicine.
or, if the monster is a Horror (sometimes):
Defeating a [monster name] occasionally results in an unexplained explosion of blood inside the nearest conscious being.
or, if the monster is a Plant (sometimes):
The pollen of this kind of plant is a powerful laxative. Wait, not a laxative. An antibiotic. I always get those mixed up.
HPYou gain X hit points.
10% of maximum HP. Some plants restore 50% of maximum HP.
MP restoration any These creatures always have a soda stashed somewhere nearby. You fine one in in a puddle of slime and chug it.
or, if the monster is a Construct (sometimes):
These things have a couple of exposed battery terminals on their leg, which will give you some juice if you lick them.
or, if the monster is a Weird (sometimes):
Study of these creatures has never explained how they exist, but apparently most have an energy field you can tap into if you touch their skull. Ahhh.
MPYou gain X Mana Points.
10% of maximum MP.
Some constructs restore 20% of maximum MP.
Some weird restore 25% of maximum MP.
stats any Familiars love playing fetch with the corpses of these things. You toss it a few times. Gives +1 experience to the current familiar.
stats any These things are heavier than they look!
or, if the monster is a Humanoid (sometimes):
These guys always carry a grip exerciser, in case you want to get a quick finger workout in.
or, if the monster is a Penguin (sometimes):
The oil from under a penguin's feathers can be used to really accentuate your biceps.
You gain X Fortitude.
X seems to be no more than 10.
stats any These things leave an above-average amount of psychic energy behind after they die.
or, if the monster is a Mer-Kin (sometimes):
This type of Mer-kin always has some ancient secrets tattooed on the left side of its weird fish flank.
or, if the monster is an Undead (sometimes):
If you listen carefully, you can hear [monster name] whispering forbidden secrets, even after it's defeated.
or, if the monster is a Weird (sometimes):
If you think too hard about [monster name], you'll accidentally peek behind the veil of reality and risk insanity. I know this isn't going to stop you.
You gain X Enchantedness.
X seems to be no more than 10.
stats any You can get a little hair oil out of these guys if you squeeze them in the right spot.
or, if the monster is a Hobo (sometimes):
This kind of hobo always turns out to be really ahead of the game, fashionwise. You can pick up some tips if you study their clothes.
or, if the monster is a Pirate (sometimes):
If you look at the pegleg prints left behind by this kind of pirate, you can learn a few new dance moves.
or, if the monster is a Slime (sometimes):
This kind of slime is almost indistinguishable from skin moisturizer. Go ahead. You know you want to.
or, if the monster is an Elf (sometimes):
You can huff the leftover peppermint on an elf's skin for a rush of coolness.
You gain X Smarm.
X seems to be no more than 10.
stats Elementals, Plants or Slimes The extra residual energy from a [monster name] can be absorbed by licking the ground under where they were defeated.
The nectar of the [monster name] is a powerful stimulant, and not habit-forming, as far as we know. We haven't really bothered to research it very much, though.
The gooey coating on the outside of the ascender part of this type of slime is a powerful hallucinogen.
You gain X Strengthliness.
You gain X Wizardliness.
You gain X Roguishness.
X is equal to 1 for Plants and Elementals. X is equal to 3 for Slimes.
nothing any This type of monster is immune to every sexually-transmitted disease but one. Nobody knows which one. From a monster that can give you an effect, but didn't (effect that is not always applied).
nothing any Some biologists believe that these creatures evolved from hagfish, but others believe they were created by an angry god to punish us.
These creatures generally enjoy fencing in their spare time.
Also appears instead of limited per day outcomes after the limit has been reached.


  • Ken Jennings is famous as a very successful contestant on American quiz show Jeopardy!, later becoming a host of the same show.

See Also