Jigsaw blade

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jigsaw blade
jigsaw blade

This is a thin, serrated blade used in a jigsaw to make arts and crafts. Or, depending on your skill level, to make stitches and hospital visits.

Type: combat item
Selling Price: 8 Meat.

Deals 10-20 Physical Damage, causes a brief stun and less brief bleeding

(In-game plural: jigsaw blades)
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Item number: 6384
Description ID: 315032879
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Shop Class
demonic jigsaw
X-fingered Shop Teacher

When Used

Jigsaw blade.gif
You drag the razor-sharp jigsaw blade across one of your opponent's more vulnerable exposed parts. 10-20 damage, and so much blood! This is gonna end up in your biography if you ever become a serial killer, y'know.


See Also


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