From TheKolWiki
Jewelrycrafting is the process of creating items of jewelry from things that aren't jewelry. In order to do this, you need a Meat Gem (baconstone, hamethyst, or porquoise), a vampire pearl, or a torquoise, a Jewelrycrafting component (necklace chain, piercing post, or ring setting), and a pair of jewelry-making pliers (normal or owned by Thor). Roughly speaking, piercings and black gold grant better skills, necklaces grant more damage, and rings grant sustainability.
A higher tier of jewelrycrafting is Really Expensive Jewelrycrafting, which requires a special skill along with more expensive components but allows crafting of more powerful meat-gem items as well as elemental-gem jewelry.
- On April 24th, 2007, bracelets were dropped from the jewelry group. Additionally, piercings lost their previous functionality and took on that of the old bracelets, and the rings (which were viewed by many as being the least useful) took on the properties of the old piercings with additional HP/MP regeneration bonuses.
- On June 16, 2015, jewelrycrafting was changed to no longer required 3 turns to make, and became a meatpasting process. However, jewelrycrafting still required jewelry-making pliers.