Je Ne Sais Porquoise

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Je Ne Sais Porquoise

Je Ne Sais Porquoise

You've got that certain special something -- you can't say exactly what it is, but you can say one thing for sure -- it's Moxious beyond comprehension.

Moxie +50%
+6% Meat from Monsters
+5% Item Drops from Monsters

View metadata
Effect number: 440
Description ID: 7a1d33bd3c697d55c26eb70a1845a5d5
View in-game: view

Obtained From


  • This is a pun on the French phrase je ne sais quoi which means, in English, "I don't know what." "This wine has a certain... je ne sais quoi", for example.
  • Also sounds like je ne sais pourquoi which means "I don't know why."

See Also