Jarlsberg's pan (Cosmic portal mode)

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Jarlsberg's pan (Cosmic portal mode)
Jarlsberg's pan (Cosmic portal mode)

If you dropped an egg into this pan, it would end up in space. So don't do that. We don't have many eggs left.

Type: off-hand item
Cannot be discarded
Free pull from Hagnk's (for Avatar of Jarlsberg only)

Spell Damage +50%
Regenerate 8-10 MP per adventure
+50% Food Drops from Monsters
+2 Mysticality Stat(s) Per Fight
Damage Reduction: 30 (First Hit Only)
+1 Food Conjuration for Jarlsberg
Converts dropped food and booze into Cosmic Calories

NOTE: This item cannot be equipped while in Hardcore. (Except in Avatar of Jarlsberg)

(In-game plural: Jarlsberg's pan (Cosmic portal mode)s)
View metadata
Item number: 6304
Description ID: 642644188
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Jarlsberg's pan (shaking the pan)

When Used

You shake the pan, apologizing to all the denizens of the Cosmos for disturbing them. After a few moments of vigorous shaking, the hole in the world is gone, and you're left with just an ordinary cast-iron skillet. Well, an extraordinary cast-iron skillet, but you know what I mean.
Jarl fry.gifYou acquire an item: Jarlsberg's pan


  • When this is equipped, Food and Booze messages are replaced with the following:
An <item> falls to the ground, getting covered with germs. Wrinkling your nose, you toss it into Jarlsberg's pan and dissolve it into some nice, clean calories.
Cosmiccalorie.gifYou acquire some Cosmic Calories
That <item> is probably covered in monster cooties. So instead of touching it, you catch it in Jarlsberg's pan and turn it into calories.
Cosmiccalorie.gifYou acquire some Cosmic Calories
The Jarlsberg within you wrinkles his nose at an <item>, and you catch it in Jarlsberg's pan, converting it into cosmic calories.
Cosmiccalorie.gifYou acquire some Cosmic Calories
You catch an <item> in Jarlsberg's pan, and with a *whiff* sound, it is broken down into its fundamental mystical particles.
Cosmiccalorie.gifYou acquire some Cosmic Calories
You don't want to touch an <item> after that monster touched it, so you catch it in Jarlsberg's pan and convert it into calories.
Cosmiccalorie.gifYou acquire some Cosmic Calories
You'd rather have some pure cosmic calories than the <item> falling to the ground in front of you, so you catch it in Jarlsberg's pan and, with a whiff of ozone, it converts into calories.
Cosmiccalorie.gifYou acquire some Cosmic Calories
Your Jarslbergian senses tingle, and you spin around and catch an <item> in Jarlsberg's pan. With a flash of octarine and the smell of ozone, it dissolves into some nice, pure calories.
Cosmiccalorie.gifYou acquire some Cosmic Calories
You almost catch an item in Jarlsberg's pan, but you stumble at the last moment and miss it.
SomethingYou acquire... something. [[Data:{{{item}}}]]
Quality Calories Received
Crappy 1*Size/Potency
Decent 2*Size/Potency
Good 3*Size/Potency
Awesome 4*Size/Potency
EPIC 5*Size/Potency

See Also


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