Jarlsberg's key

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Jarlsberg's key
Jarlsberg's key

This is the key to the Shrine of Jarlsberg, in the Dungeoneer's Association in the Big Mountains. It's made of some kind of shiny, otherworldly metal.

(Cooking ingredient)
Cannot be traded or discarded
Quest Item

(In-game plural: Jarlsberg's keys)
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Item number: 283
Description ID: 127501978
View in-game: view

Obtained From

The Dungeoneer's Association Vending Machine (1 fat loot token)
Cosmic Ray's Bazaar (1 fat loot token; Kingdom of Exploathing path only)
Key Key
The Key Takeaway
Jarlsberg's key lime pie
Lock Picking
Deck of Every Card
Draw a Card (XVI - The Tower)
Starting an Avatar of Jarlsberg run.




  • Became a Quest item when NS13 was rolled out.


Slash.gif Boris's key | Boris's ring | Jarlsberg's earring | Jarlsberg's key | Sneaky Pete's breath spray | Sneaky Pete's key

If you don't already possess all three keys to The Dungeoneers' Association's gates, then zapping any item in this group will give you a key you don't have.