Jarlsberg's Cosmic Kitchen

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Jarlsberg's Cosmic Kitchen

Jarlsberg's Cosmic Kitchen can be found in The Campground under the Avatar of Jarlsberg path.

Once per day, Jarlsberg can create a cosmic six-pack without any ingredients:

You lazily twirl your fingers. Cosmic water molecules coalesce into a writhing mass, and you curdle it into a six-pack of cheap domestic beer.
Jarl sixpack.gifYou acquire an item: cosmic six-pack

Basic Cooking

Basic cooking involves using Jarlsberg's cooking skills on cosmic ingredients. Most dishes are decent and provide 1.5 adventures per size, however there are some exceptions: consumate toast (decent) gives 1.25, sauerkraut (crappy) gives 1, and sour cream (crappy) gives 1.

Cosmic egg.gif
cosmic egg
Cosmic dough.gif
cosmic dough
Cosmic veg.gif
cosmic vegetable
Cosmic cheese.gif
cosmic cheese
Cosmic meat.gif
cosmic potted meat product
Cosmic potato.gif
cosmic potato
Cosmic cream.gif
cosmic cream
Cosmic fruit.gif
cosmic fruit
Jarl boil.gif
Jarl egg.gif
consummate hard-boiled egg
Size: 3
Jarl bagel.gif
consummate bagel
Size: 4
Jarl soup.gif
consummate soup
Size: 4
Jarl fry.gif
Jarl friedegg.gif
consummate fried egg
Size: 3
Jarl bacon.gif
consummate bacon
Size: 3
Jarl fries.gif
consummate french fries
Size: 3
Jarl bun.gif
consummate hot dog bun
Size: 3
Jarl salad.gif
consummate salad
Size: 3
Jarl chop.gif
Jarl slicedbread.gif
consummate sliced bread
Size: 3
Jarl chips.gif
consummate corn chips
Size: 2
Jarl cheeseslice.gif
consummate cheese slice
Size: 2
Jarl berries.gif
consummate strawberries
Size: 3
Jarl brownie.gif
consummate brownie
Size: 3
Jarl meltcheese.gif
consummate melted cheese
Size: 4
Jarl meatloaf.gif
consummate meatloaf
Size: 5
Jarl bakedpotato.gif
consummate baked potato
Size: 4
Jarl grill.gif
Jarl toast.gif
consummate toast
Size: 2
Jarl steak.gif
consummate steak
Size: 4
Jarl coldcuts.gif
consummate cold cuts
Size: 3
Jarl icecream.gif
consummate ice cream
Size: 3
Jarl sorbet.gif
consummate sorbet
Size: 3
Jarl blend.gif
Jarl eggsalad.gif
consummate egg salad
Size: 3
Jarl salsa.gif
consummate salsa
Size: 2
Jarl hotdog.gif
consummate frankfurter
Size: 3
Jarl wcream.gif
consummate whipped cream
Size: 2
Jarl stout.gif
passable stout
Potency: 3
Jarl kraut.gif
consummate sauerkraut
Size: 1
Jarl vodka.gif
acceptable vodka
Potency: 3
Jarl sourcream.gif
consummate sour cream
Size: 1
Jarl rum.gif
adequate rum
Potency: 3

Advanced Food

Advanced food dishes can be created from the result of basic cooking:

Ingredients Result Full Avg


Required Skills (and Ingredients) Minimum Skillcount
Jarl toast.gif
consummate toast
Jarl cheeseslice.gif
consummate cheese slice
Jarl sand1.gif
immaculate grilled cheese
4 2 Cosmic dough.gif Cosmic cheese.gif
Jarl grill.gif Jarl chop.gif
Jarl icecream.gif
consummate ice cream
Jarl brownie.gif
consummate brownie
Jarl icsandwich.gif
immaculate ice cream sandwich
4 2 Cosmic dough.gif Cosmic cream.gif
Oven.gif Snowflake.gif
Jarl bun.gif
consummate hot dog bun
Jarl hotdog.gif
consummate frankfurter
Jarl regdog.gif
immaculate hot dog
4 2 Cosmic dough.gif Cosmic meat.gif
Ginsu.gif Jarl blend.gif
Jarl eggsalad.gif
consummate egg salad
Jarl slicedbread.gif
consummate sliced bread
Jarl sand2.gif
immaculate egg salad sandwich
4 2 Cosmic egg.gif Cosmic dough.gif
Jarl chop.gif Jarl blend.gif
Jarl slicedbread.gif
consummate sliced bread
Jarl cheeseslice.gif
consummate cheese slice
Jarl coldcuts.gif
consummate cold cuts
Jarl sand3.gif
perfect sandwich
5 3 Cosmic dough.gif Cosmic cheese.gif Cosmic meat.gif
Jarl chop.gif Snowflake.gif
Jarl salad.gif
consummate salad
Jarl egg.gif
consummate hard-boiled egg
Jarl coldcuts.gif
consummate cold cuts
Jarl chefsalad.gif
perfect chef salad
5 3 Cosmic egg.gif Cosmic veg.gif Cosmic meat.gif
Jarl boil.gif Ginsu.gif Snowflake.gif
Jarl friedegg.gif
consummate fried egg
Jarl bacon.gif
consummate bacon
Jarl toast.gif
consummate toast
Jarl tradbreak.gif
perfect breakfast
5 3 Cosmic egg.gif Cosmic meat.gif Cosmic dough.gif
Jarl fry.gif Jarl grill.gif
Jarl bun.gif
consummate hot dog bun
Jarl hotdog.gif
consummate frankfurter
Jarl kraut.gif
consummate sauerkraut
Jarl deluxedog.gif
sublime deluxe hot dog
6 4 Cosmic dough.gif Cosmic veg.gif Cosmic meat.gif
Ginsu.gif Jarl blend.gif
Jarl soup.gif
consummate soup
Jarl steak.gif
consummate steak
Jarl bakedpotato.gif
consummate baked potato
Jarl soup.gif
sublime stew
6 4 Cosmic veg.gif Cosmic meat.gif Cosmic potato.gif
Jarl boil.gif Oven.gif Jarl grill.gif
Jarl chips.gif
consummate corn chips
Jarl salsa.gif
consummate salsa
Jarl meltcheese.gif
consummate melted cheese
Jarl sourcream.gif
consummate sour cream
Jarl nachos.gif
sublime nachos
6 4 Cosmic veg.gif Cosmic veg.gif Cosmic cheese.gif Cosmic cream.gif
Jarl chop.gif Oven.gif Jarl blend.gif
Jarl friedegg.gif
consummate fried egg
Jarl bagel.gif
consummate bagel
Jarl cheeseslice.gif
consummate cheese slice
Jarl bacon.gif
consummate bacon
Jarl bagelsand.gif
Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich
7 5 Cosmic egg.gif Cosmic dough.gif Cosmic cheese.gif Cosmic meat.gif
Jarl boil.gif Jarl fry.gif Jarl chop.gif
Jarl bakedpotato.gif
consummate baked potato
Jarl bacon.gif
consummate bacon
Jarl meltcheese.gif
consummate melted cheese
Jarl sourcream.gif
consummate sour cream
Jarl loaded.gif
Loaded Baked Potato
7 5 Cosmic cheese.gif Cosmic meat.gif Cosmic potato.gif Cosmic cream.gif
Jarl fry.gif Oven.gif
Jarl icecream.gif
consummate ice cream
Jarl wcream.gif
consummate whipped cream
Jarl berries.gif
consummate strawberries
Jarl brownie.gif
consummate brownie
Jarl sundae.gif
Omega Sundae
7 5 Cosmic cream.gif Cosmic cream.gif Cosmic fruit.gif Cosmic dough.gif
Jarl chop.gif Oven.gif Snowflake.gif Jarl blend.gif

Quality legend: decent good awesome EPIC

Advanced Booze

Advanced drinks can be created from the result of basic cooking:

Ingredients Result Drunk Avg


Required Skills (and Ingredients) Minimum Skillcount
Jarl lager.gif
mediocre lager
Jarl kraut.gif
consummate sauerkraut
Jarl sauerlager.gif
Das Sauerlager
3 1.5 Cosmic veg.gif 1
Jarl vodka.gif
acceptable vodka
Jarl sourcream.gif
consummate sour cream
Jarl russian.gif
Disappointed Russian
4 2 Cosmic potato.gif Cosmic cream.gif 5
Jarl stout.gif
passable stout
Jarl coldcuts.gif
consummate cold cuts
Jarl lambic.gif
Bologna Lambic
3 3 Cosmic dough.gif Cosmic meat.gif
Jarl vodka.gif
acceptable vodka
Jarl bun.gif
consummate hot dog bun
Jarl vodkadog.gif
Vodka Dog
3 3 Cosmic dough.gif Cosmic potato.gif
Jarl vodka.gif
acceptable vodka
Jarl salsa.gif
consummate salsa
Jarl chunkymary.gif
Chunky Mary
4 3 Cosmic veg.gif Cosmic potato.gif
Jarl blend.gif
Jarl rum.gif
adequate rum
Jarl meltcheese.gif
consummate melted cheese
Jarl nachojito.gif
3 3 Cosmic cheese.gif Cosmic fruit.gif
Jarl rum.gif
adequate rum
Jarl fries.gif
consummate french fries
Jarl leroi.gif
Le Roi
3 3 Cosmic potato.gif Cosmic fruit.gif
Jarl fry.gif
Jarl rum.gif
adequate rum
Jarl friedegg.gif
consummate fried egg
Jarl overeasy.gif
Over Easy Rider
3 3 Cosmic egg.gif Cosmic fruit.gif
Jarl fry.gif

Quality legend: decent good awesome EPIC


Jarlsberg can also craft chefstaves from cosmic ingredients, although only one of each type. These chefstaves are all marked as quest items and cannot be carried across ascensions:

Ingredient Chefstaff Myst req Effect
Cosmic fruit.gif
cosmic fruit
Jarl cs7.gif
Staff of Fruit Salad
N/A Spell Damage +10
Moxie +10
Regenerate 2-3 MP per adventure
Jiggle: Deal some Prismatic damage
Cosmic egg.gif
cosmic egg
Jarl cs1.gif
Staff of the Healthy Breakfast
N/A Spell Damage +10
Maximum HP +15
+10% Item Drops from Monsters
Regenerate 2-4 MP per adventure
Jiggle: Recover Some HP (10-15)
Cosmic potato.gif
cosmic potato
Jarl cs6.gif
Staff of the Hearty Dinner
N/A Spell Damage +10
Damage Reduction: 5
Regenerate 2-3 MP per adventure
Jiggle: Weaken Bad Guy
Cosmic veg.gif
cosmic vegetable
Jarl cs3.gif
Staff of the Light Lunch
N/A Spell Damage +10
Combat Initiative +15%
Regenerate 2-3 MP per adventure
Jiggle: Deal Some Cold Damage
Cosmic meat.gif
cosmic potted meat product
Jarl cs5.gif
Staff of the All-Steak
50 Spell Damage +50%
Damage Reduction: 15
Regenerate 5-6 MP per adventure
Jiggle: Massive Bonus to Item Drops (5/day)
Cosmic cream.gif
cosmic cream
Jarl cs8.gif
Staff of the Cream of the Cream
50 Spell Damage +50%
Moxie +30
Regenerate 5-6 MP per adventure
Jiggle: Attune to Monster's Essence (5/day)
Cosmic dough.gif
cosmic dough
Jarl cs2.gif
Staff of the Staff of Life
50 Spell Damage +50%
Maximum HP +30
Regenerate 5-6 MP per adventure
Regenerate 10-12 HP per adventure
Jiggle: Full HP Recovery (5/day)
Cosmic cheese.gif
cosmic cheese
Jarl cs4.gif
Staff of the Standalone Cheese
50 Spell Damage +50%
Combat Initiative +30%
Regenerate 5-6 MP per adventure
Jiggle: Banish opponent for the rest of the day (5/day)


  • Before crafting them, the advanced dishes are hinted at (exact ingredients are not listed, just number and final product) in the "glowing cookbook" that you can read in your kitchen.
  • After you have the necessary ingredients, the kitchen will automatically (magically, even) offer the new items.
  • Once made, the advanced dishes are not hinted at, but fully laid out.
    • The cook book and interface will show you recipes once you have ingredients, but the recipe is not learned until cooked.
    • Learning is retained across ascensions, like all crafting discoveries.
  • Trying to make something that requires a skill you do not have:
  • Trying to make something without enough (including none) of an ingredient you can make:
    You don't have enough <plural item> for that transaction.
  • All the consumables made here are quest items.