jar of squeeze
This is[sic]? jar of filtered Sterno. It's probably toxic, but hey, at least you'll be safe from the Andromeda Strain.
Type: booze (awesome) Potency: 7 Level required: 8 Cannot be discarded (In-game plural: jars of squeeze) | |
Obtained From
- Burnbarrel Blvd.
- A Tight Squeeze, for 5 hobo nickels (Lucky Adventure)
When Consumed
You unscrew the cap, close your eyes, and drink... After you finally wake up, you actually feel pretty refreshed.
You gain 7 Drunkenness.
- The description refers to the science fiction novel The Andromeda Strain, in which a man drinking Sterno (a brand of cooking fuel made from alcohol) survives an epidemic.
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