Jamocha berry

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Jamocha berry
Jamocha berry

Generally when pokéfam eat these things, they grow spikes or thorns or stuff like that? Which seems like, well... aw, go ahead, it's probably fine.

Type: usable (also usable in combat)
Selling Price: 51 Meat.

Grants passive physical damage and energizes you for a while

(In-game plural: Jamocha berries)
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Item number: 9817
Description ID: 707798848
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Tall Grass

When Used

  • From inventory/combat:
You eat the Jamocha berry, and yup -- spikes just popping right out of your skin. Better not go into any crowded subway cars for a while.
Berry4.gifYou acquire an effect: Berry Experiential
(duration: 20 Adventures)
Berry5.gifYou acquire an effect: Berry Thorny
(duration: 20 Adventures)


  • Jaboca berries can be used by pokemon to damage an attacker when held.


Slash.gif Egnaro berry | Glum berry | Jamocha berry | Keese berry | Nadsat berry | Sitrep berry | Snarf berry | Tapioc berry


"9817" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Berry Experiential (granted by every berry)
Berry Effect
Berry2.gif Egnaro berry Restores 50% of max MP
Berry4.gif Glum berry Cures negative status effects
Berry5.gif Jamocha berry Berry Thorny, weapon damage and stinging damage
Berry8.gif Keese berry Berry Defensive, +100 DA and +10 DR
Berry3.gif Nadsat berry Berry Critical, +30% chance of critical hit
Berry1.gif Sitrep berry Restores 75% of max HP
Berry7.gif Snarf berry Berry Statistical, +100% to mainstat and +66% to offstats
Berry6.gif Tapioc berry Berry Elemental, +1 resist to all elements