500. Elf Farm Raffle ticket
501. Elfin shortbread
502. pagoda plans
503. skewered cat appendix
504. evil golden arches
505. gnatwing earring
506. Hell broth
507. heavy metal thunderrr guitarrr
508. heavy metal sonata
509. Hey Deze nuts
510. Boris's key lime
511. Jarlsberg's key lime
512. Sneaky Pete's key lime
513. Boris's key lime pie
514. Jarlsberg's key lime pie
515. Sneaky Pete's key lime pie
516. Hey Deze map
517. bejeweled accordion strap
518. magical mystery juice
519. moxie magnet
520. strange leaflet
521. kickback cookbook
522. one-winged stab bat
523. rewinged stab bat
524. papaya sling
525. grue egg
526. Frobozz Real-Estate Company Instant House (TM)
527. volleyball
528. blood-faced volleyball
529. fertilized ghuol egg
530. spray paint
531. special sauce glove
532. ladle of mystery
533. Gnollish toolbox
534. abridged dictionary
535. bridge
536. dictionary
537. pr0n legs
538. f3d0r4
539. lowercase N
540. Tasty Fun Good rice candy
541. draggin' ball hat
542. 1337 7r0uZ0RZ
543. Trollhouse cookies
544. flaming talons
545. Spam Witch sammich
546. meat vortex
547. 334 scroll
548. 668 scroll
549. 30669 scroll
550. 33398 scroll
551. 64067 scroll
552. 64735 scroll
553. 31337 scroll
554. pr0n cocktail
555. drywall axe
556. Pine-Fresh air freshener
557. whiskey and cola
558. papaya taco
559. razor-sharp can lid
560. stalk of asparagus
561. pregnant mushroom
562. ratgut
563. sonar-in-a-biscuit
564. Mad Train wine
565. dirty hobo gloves
566. bum cheek
567. hermit script
568. Double Bacon Beelzeburger
569. Lord of the Flies-sized fries
570. Brimstone Chicken Sandwich
571. Jumbo Dr. Lucifer
572. Children's Meal of the Damned
573. delicious noodles
574. delicious spicy noodles
575. painful penne pasta
576. ravioli della hippy
577. pr0n m4nic0tti
578. Hell ramen
579. boring spaghetti
580. sauce of the ages
581. fancy schmancy cheese sauce
582. Himalayan Hidalgo sauce
583. fettucini Inconnu
584. spaghetti with Skullheads
585. gnocchetti di Nietzsche
586. ridiculously huge sword
587. super-spiky hair gel
588. soft green echo eyedrop antidote
589. cocoa eggshell fragment
590. large cocoa eggshell fragment
591. cocoa egg
592. tiny house
593. phonics down
594. amulet of extreme plot significance
595. scroll of drastic healing
596. titanium assault umbrella
597. Mohawk wig
598. the Slug Lord's map
599. pants of the Slug Lord