Items by number (300-399)

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300 - 399

300. jabañero-flavored chewing gum
301. flat dough
302. Knob sausage
303. Knob mushroom
304. dry noodles
305. Knob Goblin harem pants
306. Knob Goblin harem veil
307. Knob Goblin perfume
308. Knob Goblin elite helm
309. Knob Goblin elite pants
310. Knob Goblin elite polearm
311. hill of beans
312. Knob Goblin visor
313. Crown of the Goblin King
314. bean burrito
315. spicy bean burrito
316. insanely spicy bean burrito
317. enchanted bean burrito
318. spicy enchanted bean burrito
319. insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito
320. bat haggis
321. menudo
322. goat cheese
323. plain pizza
324. sausage pizza
325. goat cheese pizza
326. mushroom pizza
327. goat
328. bottle of whiskey
329. goat beard
330. glass of goat's milk
331. white Canadian
332. lemon
333. lime

334. sabre teeth
335. sabre-toothed lime cub
336. consolation ribbon
337. big ol' trophy
338. tenderizing hammer
339. Cobb's Knob lab key
340. Knob Goblin steroids
341. Knob Goblin love potion
342. Knob Goblin stink bomb
343. Knob Goblin sharpening spray
344. Knob Goblin seltzer
345. Knob Goblin superseltzer
346. scrumptious reagent
347. Dyspepsi-Cola
348. cold ninja mask
349. icy katana hilt
350. hot katana blade
351. icy-hot katana
352. ninja hot pants
353. frigid ninja stars
354. frozen nunchaku
355. eXtreme scarf
356. snowboarder pants
357. Mountain Stream soda
358. gr8ps
359. t8r tots
360. miner's helmet
361. miner's pants
362. 7-Foot Dwarven mattock
363. linoleum ore
364. asbestos ore
365. chrome ore
366. linoleum sword hilt
367. linoleum stick

368. linoleum crossbow string
369. asbestos sword hilt
370. asbestos stick
371. asbestos crossbow string
372. chrome sword hilt
373. chrome stick
374. chrome crossbow string
375. linoleum meat stack
376. asbestos meat stack
377. chrome meat stack
378. linoleum sword
379. linoleum staff
380. linoleum crossbow
381. asbestos sword
382. asbestos staff
383. asbestos crossbow
384. chrome sword
385. chrome staff
386. chrome crossbow
387. fuzzy dice
388. yeti fur
389. meaty helmet turtle
390. asbestos helmet turtle
391. linoleum helmet turtle
392. chrome helmet turtle
393. penguin skin
394. yak skin
395. hippopotamus skin
396. penguin shorts
397. yakskin pants
398. hippopotamus pants
399. eXtreme mittens

Items (By Number)
<0 | 1-99 | 100-199 | 200-299 | 300-399 | 400-499 | 500-599 | 600-699 | 700-799 | 800-899 | 900-999 | 1000-1099 | 1100-1199 | 1200-1299 | 1300-1399 | 1400-1499 | 1500-1599 | 1600-1699 | 1700-1799 | 1800-1899 | 1900-1999 | 2000-2099 | 2100-2199 | 2200-2299 | 2300-2399 | 2400-2499 | 2500-2599 | 2600-2699 | 2700-2799 | 2800-2899 | 2900-2999 | 3000-3099 | 3100-3199 | 3200-3299 | 3300-3399 | 3400-3499 | 3500-3599 | 3600-3699 | 3700-3799 | 3800-3899 | 3900-3999 | 4000-4099 | 4100-4199 | 4200-4299 | 4300-4399 | 4400-4499 | 4500-4599 | 4600-4699 | 4700-4799 | 4800-4899 | 4900-4999 | 5000-5099 | 5100-5199 | 5200-5299 | 5300-5399 | 5400-5499 | 5500-5599 | 5600-5699 | 5700-5799 | 5800-5899 | 5900-5999 | 6000-6099 | 6100-6199 | 6200-6299 | 6300-6399 | 6400-6499 | 6500-6599 | 6600-6699 | 6700-6799 | 6800-6899 | 6900-6999 | 7000-7099 | 7100-7199 | 7200-7299 | 7300-7399 | 7400-7499 | 7500-7599 | 7600-7699 | 7700-7799 | 7800-7899 | 7900-7999 | 8000-8099 | 8100-8199 | 8200-8299 | 8300-8399 | 8400-8499 | 8500-8599 | 8600-8699 | 8700-8799 | 8800-8899 | 8900-8999 | 9000-9099 | 9100-9199 | 9200-9299 | 9300-9399 | 9400-9499 | 9500-9599 | 9600-9699 | 9700-9799 | 9800-9899 | 9900-9999 | 10000-10099 | 10100-10199 | 10200-10299 | 10300-10399 | 10400-10499 | 10500-10599 | 10600-10699 | 10700-10799 | 10800-10899 | 10900-10999 | 11000-11099 | 11100-11199 | 11200-11299 | 11300-11399 | 11400-11499 | 11500-11599 | 11600-11699 | 11700-11799 | 11800-11899