Inventory tutorial
"It's dangerous to go alone into the big scary world out there and nothing keeps an Adventurer company as well as some sweet gear. Let's see what I've got lying around that might fit you...
The Oriole digs around in a pile of junk behind his rock and produces a couple of items.
If you are a Seal Clubber:
You acquire an item: seal-clubbing club |
You acquire an item: old sweatpants |
If you are a Turtle Tamer:
You acquire an item: turtle totem |
You acquire an item: old sweatpants |
If you are a Pastamancer:
You acquire an item: pasta spoon |
You acquire an item: old sweatpants |
If you are a Sauceror:
You acquire an item: saucepan |
You acquire an item: old sweatpants |
If you are a Disco Bandit:
You acquire an item: disco ball |
You acquire an item: old sweatpants |
If you are an Accordion Thief:
You acquire an item: stolen accordion |
You acquire an item: mariachi pants |
Whenever you see an item you can click on the picture or the name to get a description of it. Why not try that now?"
Go to your inventory, by clicking the icon in the menu on the top of the screen and, equip the two items I just gave you.
If you haven't equipped the two items: Go to your inventory, by clicking the icon in the menu on the top of the screen and, equip the two items I just gave you.
After equipping the two items: "Good job equipping that stuff. While you were out, I found this, and thought you might like to have it. Click on it to see its description, and notice the fancy blue text -- that means the item is enchanted, and equipping it will improve your stats or abilities in some way."
If you are a Seal Clubber:
You acquire an item: seal-skull helmet |
If you are a Turtle Tamer:
You acquire an item: helmet turtle |
If you are a Pastamancer:
You acquire an item: ravioli hat |
If you are a Sauceror:
You acquire an item: Hollandaise helmet |
If you are a Disco Bandit:
You acquire an item: disco mask |
If you are an Accordion Thief:
You acquire an item: mariachi hat |
Occurs during the Toot Oriole Quest.