insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito
This is an enchanted bean burrito which is spicier than any other enchanted bean burrito you've ever seen.
Type: food (awesome) Size: 3 Level required: 5 Selling Price: 152 Meat. (In-game plural: insanely spicy enchanted bean burritos) | |
Obtained From
- Familiars
- Dropped after combat by a Lil' Barrel Mimic (sometimes)
When Consumed
This is both the spiciest and the most enchanted thing you've ever eaten. Your entire gastrointestinal tract bursts into flames.
This gives you chronic indigestion. -urp-.
(You gain 3 Fullness.)
- Gives you the skill Chronic Indigestion.
- Previously used by Mysticality Classes to pass a test of the Nemesis quest before its 2015 revamp.
See Also
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