Inndya trading card

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Inndya trading card
Inndya trading card

This is a trading card depicting KWE star Inndya. It's printed with a variety of useful information, for varying definitions of 'useful'. And 'information'.

Type: usable
Selling Price: 50 Meat.

(In-game plural: Inndya trading cards)
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Item number: 2014
Description ID: 346450537
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

pack of KWE trading card (0-1)

When Used

You look at the Inndya trading card. The front has a picture on it.

(Artwork by Cynn)

The back has some statistics printed on it.

Name: Inndya
Special Moves: 5 O'Clock Beatdown and A Lovely Singing Voice
Wins: #
Losses: #
Quote: "That's just dirt, not a five o'clock shadow!"

Fun Facts:
Inndya got to be big and strong by exercising and eating right, no matter what anybody says!

Never look Inndya directly in the eye! Always look at the ground and address her as "sir" -- wait, we mean "ma'am!"

Inndya's biceps are as big as a medium-sized grapefruit! You could fit at least three baby gravy fairies in each of her thighs!

Your friends at KWE remind you that losers always whine about "their best!"

card 15/16


  • This card represents a KWE wrestler.
  • This is the only KWE card to discuss the behavior of losers. Every other card reminds you what winners always do.


  • Losers whining about their best is a reference to a line in the movie The Rock: "Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen."


"2014" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Tradecard.gif KWE Trading Cards - edit
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