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This is a miniature iceberg (which basically means it's the abstract artist's version of an ice cube), in the same way that a hamlet is a miniature pig, and a bracelet is a tiny truss. You could use it to play 'Titanic' in your bathtub, I suppose, if you really wanted to take a bath for three solid, incredibly dull hours.

Type: usable
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: iceberglets)
View metadata
Item number: 1423
Description ID: 244124059
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Mr. Store (1 Mr. Accessory)
The Raffle House

When Used

You give the iceberglet a squeeze, and your body heat melts it. It refreezes into a new item.
Icebaby.gifYou acquire an item: ice baby
You give the iceberglet a squeeze, and your body heat melts it. It refreezes into a new item.
Icepick.gifYou acquire an item: ice pick
You give the iceberglet a squeeze, and your body heat melts it. It refreezes into a new item.
Iceskates.gifYou acquire an item: ice skates
You give the iceberglet a squeeze, and your body heat melts it. It refreezes into a new item.
Icesickle.gifYou acquire an item: ice sickle


Iceberglet meltables
Ice item Type Enchantment
Icepick.gif ice pick Hat +15% Item Drops from Monsters
Iceskates.gif ice skates Accessory Combat Initiative +15%
+15% Meat from Monsters
Icesickle.gif ice sickle One-handed knife +15 to Monster Level
+5 Cold Damage
Icebaby.gif ice baby off-hand items +3 Stat(s) Per Fight


  • February 2006's item of the month from Mr. Store.
Its in-store description: Turns into four new pieces of equipment, with differing enchantments. Note: You cannot equip these items during hardcore.'


  • This item's description references the Oscar-winning, yet incredibly dull 1997 James Cameron film Titanic, which has a running time of 194 minutes.
  • The description also makes a pun on the word hamlet (from ham meaning town + the diminutive let, therefore little town). See the Online Etymology Dictionary for more information.
  • The term hamlet to jokingly mean little pig has a long and noble history.

See Also


"1423" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Preceded by:
Tome of Snowcone Summoning
February 2006
Succeeded by:
March hat