Ice wine

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ice wine
ice wine

This is wine made from frozen grapes, in a bottle made of ice. The label says "freeze after opening and also before opening."

Type: booze (EPIC)
Potency: 2
Level required: 6
Selling Price: 75 Meat.
Effect: Brain Freeze (50 Adventures)Spell Damage +25
Moxie +50%
Maximum MP +100

(In-game plural: bottles of ice wine)
View metadata
Item number: 8678
Description ID: 987837300
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Wal-Mart (for 15 Wal-Mart gift certificates)

When Used

You drink the ice wine, and it goes straight to your head, which instantly freezes.
AdventuresYou gain 11-13 Adventures.
You gain 20-30 Mysteriousness.
Realbrain.gifYou acquire an effect: Brain Freeze
(duration: 50 Adventures)
You gain 2 Drunkenness.



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