Hundred Headed IPA

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Hundred Headed IPA
Hundred Headed IPA

This is a bottle of the novelty beer brewed by hydrox in their caves. It's got hops, some more hops, and then a little bit of hops for flavor, and it's double fermented to pack a wallop.

Sadly, if you drink this down, two more don't spring up in its place.

Type: booze (awesome)
Potency: 2
Level required: 13
Selling Price: 75 Meat.

(In-game plural: Bottles of Hundred Headed IPA)
View metadata
Item number: 6169
Description ID: 230929468
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Old Man's Bathtime Adventure
Deadly Hydra

When Consumed

You drink the Hundred Headed IPA. The hops crinkle your nose and the booze pummels your brain.
AdventuresYou gain 9-11 Adventures.
You gain 15-30 Beefiness.
You gain 15-30 Mysteriousness.
You gain 15-30 Sarcasm.
Pinecone.gifYou acquire an effect: Hoppyness
(duration: 20 Adventures)
You gain 2 Drunkenness.


  • Since January 1, 2018, the Hundred Headed IPA like other level 13+ consumables may no longer be consumed in Hardcore/Ronin.


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