Hot powder

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hot powder
hot powder

This magical powder is hot, but not in the way that, say, ground red pepper is hot. Unless it's also on fire. That would be more like it.

(Meatsmithing component)
(Cooking ingredient)
Type: potion
Selling Price: 30 Meat.
Effect: Flame-Retardant Trousers (5 Adventures)Slight Hot Resistance (+1)

(In-game plural: piles of hot powder)
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Item number: 1439
Description ID: 283451957
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Weak equipment with Hot Damage or with cold or spooky resistance
Lovebug abilities and encounters
Post-combat drop in The Haunted Kitchen or Cobb's Knob Kitchens
Just the Facts (after some combats, see this helpful tool made by Semenar.)

When Used

You rub the hot powder on your pants.
Cords.gifYou acquire an effect: Flame-Retardant Trousers
(duration: 5 Adventures)



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