Hot Buttered Rum

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Hot Buttered Rum
Hot Buttered Rum

Man, what is it with Crimbo drinks and their affinity for dairy products? This is a steaming cup of rum with a pat of butter dissolved in it. It tastes better than it sounds, but only just.

Type: booze (decent)
Potency: 4
Cost: 75 Meat
Effect: Loaded Forwarbear (20 Adventures)So-So Supercold Resistance (+2)

(In-game plural not known - currently impossible to determine.)
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Item number: -108
Description ID: -108_booze
View in-game: view
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When Consumed

You drink the Hot Buttered Rum. The warmth of the drink suffuses your body, and you can better withstand the cold of the warbear fortress.
AdventuresYou gain 7-9 Adventures.
Campfire.gifYou acquire an effect: Loaded Forwarbear
(duration: 20 Adventures)
Meat.gifYou spent 75 Meat.
You gain 4 Drunkenness.
