History of Loathing (2011)
From TheKolWiki
These pages shall contain the history of the Kingdom of Loathing.
For an annotated list of changes to the game, see Changes.
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January 2011 | February 2011 | March 2011 | April 2011 | May 2011 | June 2011 | July 2011 | August 2011 | September 2011 | October 2011 | November 2011 | December 2011 | See Also | External Links |
January 09, 2011
- The range of possible adventures you can get from a lot of foods has been tightened.
January 11, 2011
- The Traveling Trader is back again, with a rare and mysterious tome from Distant Lands.
January 12, 2011
- The old semi-rare adventures have been added into the new Friars' zones. Sorry that took so long.
January 13, 2011
- The pool game adventure in the Haunted Billiards Room no longer requires you to have a pool cue equipped.
January 14, 2011
- With even less fanfare than usual, the CRIMBCO building has faded back into the mists completely.
January 20, 2011
- Hey, remember like three years ago when we put in that placeholder quest in the Deep Fat Friars' Gate? We finally replaced it with a thing that isn't a placeholder!
You can play through the new quest even if you've already gotten your Organ of Steel.
January 31, 2011
- So as to set expectations low after an auspicious start to 2011, February's Item-of-the-Month will be at least a day late.
February 01, 2011
- Febtober's Item-of-the-Month is now available in Mr. Store, Trebek.
February 02, 2011
- There's a new, WAY less horrible version of the Account Menu (now called Options) and some new interface features:
- A Quest Tracker in the character pane -- (new accounts have had this for a while.)
- The ability to add additional icons to the new iconic top menu.
- Pulverize in the item right-click menu.
- /pulverize as a chat command. (/smash also works.)
February 03, 2011
- Susie has been doing some soul-searching, and has decided to open her heart a little. The Cake-Shaped Arena will now give prizes after 5 wins instead of 10, and no longer has a chance to give lead necklaces when it could give better prizes instead.
February 09, 2011
- Dates for KoL Con 8 have been announced. It'll take place September 9-11, 2011. See what details there are here.
February 15, 2011
- Cobb's Knob has gotten an HGTV-style makeover -- fancy new graphics, and lots of new monsters and items.
February 17, 2011
- The bundle of receipts has been changed back to only dropping from Knob Goblin Bean Counters, and the number the BHH wants has been reduced.
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February 23, 2011
- The Traveling Trader is back to raise a little more Hell.
February 28, 2011
- February did it again -- we're hard at work an an unadvisably ambitious Item-of-the-Month, and it'll be a couple of days late.
March 02, 2011
- Hey look! It's another crazy elaborate Item-of-the-Month. In Mr. Store.
March 07, 2011
- Xlyinia is no longer with the company, as of today. We thank her for six years of service and wish her the best of luck in future endeavors. We'll be working to make this transition mostly invisible to you guys.
March 08, 2011
- There are stirrings of activity in Cell 37 of the Cobb's Knob Menagerie...
March 17, 2011
- Happy Drunksgiving, everyone!
March 31, 2011
- Forewarned is forearmed -- we've gotten busier than we expected with lots of things, so the April IotM will be released at rollover on
SundayMonday night.
April 04, 2011
- April's Item-of-the-Month is (FINALLY) available in Mr. Store.
April 15, 2011
- The Cyrpt, in its turn, has been vamped again.
April 18, 2011
- Fixed a bug that was letting the Cyrpt sub-bosses show up after being defeated because of Teleportitis. Stupid teleportitis.
April 20, 2011
- There now an account option to stop displaying that moldy-ass pumpkin you've had on your profile for so long.
- Uncle CDM has brought us Christmas early this year, in the form of a cool inventory overhaul. The inventory, closet, and Hagnk's now all have a unified interface.
In the Options menu, you'll find "Turn On Advanced Filtering and Sorting," which will... turn on advanced filtering and sorting options for your bewildering array of items.
Also, there are some new chat commands: /closet, /uncloset, and the oft-requested /pull.
April 24, 2011
- KoL's very own Jick was a guest on the most recent episode of the Overthinking It podcast -- available online at http://overthinkingit.com/.
April 25, 2011
- Had the amazing idea to add in a recipe we forgot to put in relating to an Amazing Idea.
- Having high buffed Mysticality now reduces the rate at which the Naughty Sorceress blocks spells. Also some other stuff.
April 30, 2011
- We need some more time to put the finishing touches on the Item-of-the-Month -- we'll roll it out Monday night instead of tonight.
May 02, 2011
- May's Item-of-the-Month is now available in Mr. Store, and boy is it swell! Golly gee.
May 03, 2011
- Because of OMINOUS FOREBODING, the Badger, Llama, Pixie, and Sandworm will now drop their goodies more reliably. Scared yet?
May 10, 2011
- Corman is back, and he's attacking Valhalla! In launching his assault, he has opened a number of unstable Astral Slashes in the Kingdom, and the Air Warriors of Loathing, led by the recently promoted Admiral Hagnk, need you!
May 12, 2011
- Due to a dumb bug that caused some people to get way too many A. W. O. L. commendations, we've had to nuke them all. The next time you kill some skeletons, you'll be given the proper number of commendations, and all will be well with the world. Sorry for the inconvenience.
- Corman's invasion of Valhalla continues to build in intensity! A. W. O. L. has stepped up their game by finally appointing a commendation quartermaster.
May 13, 2011
- Train, Train, Choo-Choo Train, Corman continues to bring the pain. Woo woo! Woo woo!
May 14, 2011
- The giant garbage is now clickable for jokes and clues about the level 10 quest. Clicking the grounds will plant a bean if you have one.
- Corman has unveiled his ultimate weapon. It's pretty ultimate.
May 16, 2011
- By popular request, limited edition Bone Star T-shirts are now available for pre-order in the Store of Loathing.
- Rollover will be longer than usual tonight. Don't panic.
On second thought, totally panic. Panic sounds like fun. - At long last, the tens of thousands of torpedoes destroyed Corman's Bone Star. A big explosion, a deafening bang, an inexplicable expanding ring of energy edited in several years later.
There was great celebration in Valhalla. Jolly tunes were played with drumsticks on the skulls of fallen skeletal warriors.
Then the leftover chunks of the station began to fall. All of the buildings that were still standing, well -- they stopped standing once they got hit by a million tons of flaming bone chunks.
Fortunately, in Valhalla, a thousand years is as one day, so as far as you know, they instantly rebuilt everything. Better. Stronger. Faster. More animated.
May 31, 2011
- Tomorrow will be the last day to pre-order Bone Star T-shirts from the Store of Loathing.
- June's Item-of-the-Month is likely to be a few days late. In other news, future months will start on the 4th, to make it seem like we're on time for stuff.
June 03, 2011
- June's Item-of-the-Month is now available in Mr. Store. It mostly comes at night. Mostly.
June 06, 2011
- Mail from your insufferable Pen Pal will now appear in its own tab on the messages screen.
June 08, 2011
- All *GISH*es are now 100% less puply.
June 17, 2011
- Freeing Ralph in a Hardcore run will now give you access to all of your Normal permed skills. Unless you're in Bad Moon.
June 22, 2011
- The continuum transfunctioner has been converted from an offhand item to an accessory. Hiiiiii-ya!
June 27, 2011
- After a sudden and unexpected several hour break, the servers are back to servin'. Sorry for the inconvenience. Darned spiders.
June 28, 2011
- Another day, another catastrophic unexpected bout of downtime.
We are back, but be gentle. Things might be a little bumpy. - The Council of Loathing advises citizens not to panic about the pile of "database servers" that seems to have fallen from the sky and landed in Seaside Town.
June 30, 2011
- July's Item-of-the-Month is... on time? Seriously? Yes. It's on time. And now available in Mr. Store.
July 03, 2011
- Looks like the Adventurers of Loathing finally destroyed all of those old servers. Now, about these egg sacs...
July 08, 2011
- New chat command: /timer - it lets you give yourself effects that act act as... timers? See the documentation for details.
July 14, 2011
- The various entrance challenges have been replaced with a frosted mini-quest for each Guild.
July 22, 2011
- Hey, check out this thing -- Mr. Skullhead has written a series of Kingdom of Loathing comic books and has found a super groovy artist.
In order to make sure there's enough interest to actually make it into a real thing, we've launched this Kickstarter thingy.
If you like comic books and you like Kingdom of Loathing, why not head over and like both of those things at the same time.
August 01, 2011
- Hey, August's Item-of-the-Month was on time, I just forgot to announce it. It's a cool familiar that kicks and stomps things.
August 10, 2011
- The vending machine in the Dungeoneer's Association is fixed now. The bottom of each day's Daily Dungeon now gives you a token that you can use to buy any of the things the bottom of the Daily Dungeon used to give you.
Also potato sprouts. - Items and effects that give you elemental resistance have been made to work better at the low end.
August 14, 2011
- The next seasonal challenge path, Way of the Surprising Fist, is now available at your friendly neighborhood reincarnation bureau.
August 22, 2011
- The Traveling Trader is back with a vengeance. Also, some nerdy chemicals.
August 31, 2011
- September's absurd Item-of-the-Month, the Tome of Clip Art, is now available in Mr. Store.
September 19, 2011
- Oh, I almost forgot -- happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!
September 21, 2011
- Instead of nothing, dungeon dragon chests now contain dumb jokes and Meat.
September 26, 2011
- We're being targeted by some kind of phishing scam -- DO NOT click any download links from e-mails that look like they're from us.
September 30, 2011
- Again we tried to make a simple Item-of-the-Month, and again, we failed. This one needs the weekend to finish cooking.
October 01, 2011
- The new phonebook's here! The new phonebook's here! (By phonebook, I mean 2012 KoL Calendar, and by here I mean here.) Also, Crimbo Cards!
October 03, 2011
- We're heading down to the data center to randomly unplug things from things for a while. There might be brief (like, a few seconds brief) periods of downtime this morning.
- October's Item-of-the-Month is now available in Mr. Store. Blaaaah.
October 04, 2011
- All monsters that heal themselves (such as physicians) now display how many HP they're regaining.
October 06, 2011
- Sigh. Made the least funny trivial update ever. Now stop whining.
October 15, 2011
- A big pile of junk mail just got delivered to the basement of every Clan in the Kingdom. At least the ones with basements.
October 16, 2011
- Added a spooky speed leaderboard for Haunted Sorority House runs.
October 17, 2011
- Outfit names can now be clicked for a description of the bonuses you get from wearing the outfit.
October 18, 2011
- Clan leaders can now grant access to ALL dungeons to a particular rank. Spelunk Everywhere.
- Limited-time skill books now turn into used copies when used. Also moistened copies when moistened. Details in the forums.
October 19, 2011
- The "other accomplishments" section of the Quest Log now displays how much Karma you have banked. Red gold and greeeeeen.
October 24, 2011
- Made some quality-of-life changes to the way old clan dungeon logs are viewed. Mostly reductions, specifically.
- There will be a little bit (up to an hour, maybe?) of downtime tomorrow around noon Arizona time.
October 25, 2011
- Server reconfiguration is now complete. All traffic to KoL now goes through www.kingdomofloathing.com. Hooray!
October 31, 2011
- November's Item-of-the-Month, the Fancypants Scarecrow, is now available in Mr. Store.
November 14, 2011
- A new, trendy challenge path is now available at your friendly neighborhood reincarnation bureau.
November 17, 2011
- A method now exists to manually add wear-and-tear to certain cherished tomes, if for some reason that was something you wanted to do.
November 30, 2011
- There's a Crimbo surprise waiting for you at your campsite!
Also, December's Pepperminty Item-of-the-Month is now available in Mr. Store.
December 06, 2011
- We've changed Hagnk's "Pull All" feature. See http://forums.kingdomofloathing.com/vb/showthread.php?p=4073888 for hot deets.
December 13, 2011
- By popular demand from like five years ago, the Gift Shop Guy now has "Do Not Open 'til Crimbo" boxes for your gifting pleasure.
December 17, 2011
- In the mists of the Big Mountains, Crimbo Town emerges once more from the Misty Mists. Mist.
December 18, 2011
- Uncle Crimbo got enough Comet Pops, and doesn't really want any more. Candy value adjusted accordingly!
December 23, 2011
- It's Crimbo Time at the Asymmetric offices! Happy holidays and stuff, everybody!
December 27, 2011
- The description for familiar larval items will now show you what familiar the item hatches into.
December 31, 2011
- Happy New Year! January's Item-of-the-Month is now available in Mr. Store, along with 2012's brand new yearly familiars.
They're freakin' adorable!
- "The new phonebook's here! The new phonebook's here!" is a quote from the movie The Jerk.
See Also
External Links
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