Hide and Seek
From TheKolWiki
Hide and Seek is an event at The Cake-Shaped Arena in which familiars try to stay hidden longer than their opponent. The event costs 100 Meat, takes 1 adventure, and can earn the familiar between 2 to 5 experience.
A familiar will stay hidden for:
27 + B + 1d5 seconds
where B is the weight bonus of the familiar.
- Familiars that are unable to perform in this event receive no bonus and will always hide for 28 to 32 seconds.
- Familiars that are weak in this event receive a bonus of their weight - 3.
- Familiars that are average in this event receive a bonus of their weight.
- Familiars that are strong in this event receive a bonus of their weight + 3.
If your familiar can hide longer than the house familiar, your familiar will gain the following experience.
- 8 or more seconds: 2 experience
- 7 seconds: 3 experience
- 6 seconds: 4 experience
- 0-5 seconds: 5 experience
For a chart showing how all familiars do in this event, see The Cake-Shaped Arena.