Here I Am, and You're Rocket Ship
You arrive to the crash site to find that there's a thick layer of fog on the ground, because there's always a thick layer of fog on the ground when stuff like this happens. In fact, scientists have tried for years to determine whether alien ships are more likely to crash when there's a thick layer of fog on the ground, or whether the fog forms around the alien ship after it crashes. The jury's still out.
Anyway, there's a thick layer of fog on the ground, for whatever reason. You can make out the fins and portholes of a crashed alien spaceship. You can also make out bulbous-headed gray aliens and the weird hovering spheres that fly near them.
You're also close enough to shady sunglasses-wearing government agents to not only make them out, but to make out with them, should you choose.
We don't recommend it, though.
Occurs at Some Scattered Smoking Debris.