Herald of Fridgr

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Herald of Fridgr
Monster ID 2197
Locations using a frost-rimed desk bell
Hit Points Scales with a player's stats
Attack Scales with a player's stats
Defense Scales with a player's stats
Initiative 0
Meat None
Phylum dude
Elements cold
Resistance 100% all except spooky
Monster Parts arm, head, leg, torso, trumpet
cold wad, cold nuggets, cold nuggets, cold powder, cold powder, cold powder, cold powder
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Herald of Fridgr You're fighting a Herald of Fridgr

A chill creeps in as the bell rings. And then a guy with no mouth creeps in and starts tootling a trumpet at you. But wait a minute. If he doesn't have a mouth, how is he making the tootles!?

Hit Message(s):

The Herald smacks you with his trumpet, it's ice cold. Brrrrrrrrrrr. (cold damage)

The Herald blows a spine-tingling note on his trumpet, tingling your spine. Brrrrrrrrrrr. (cold damage)

Critical Hit Message:

The Herald lurches up to you and tootles directly in your ear, a frigid wind blowing from his trumpet and into your soul (CRITICAL HIT!) Brrrrrrrrrrr. (cold damage)

Miss Message(s):

The Herald tries to blow a spine-tingling note, but it falls flat.

Fumble Message:

not known

After Combat

Scwad.gifYou acquire an item: cold wad (100% chance)*
Scnuggets.gifYou acquire an item: cold nuggets (100% chance)*
Scnuggets.gifYou acquire an item: cold nuggets (100% chance)*
Scpowder.gifYou acquire an item: cold powder (25% chance)*
Scpowder.gifYou acquire an item: cold powder (25% chance)*
Scpowder.gifYou acquire an item: cold powder (25% chance)*
Scpowder.gifYou acquire an item: cold powder (25% chance)*

Occurs when using a frost-rimed desk bell.


  • Gives the bell back if you lose:
Defeated, you drop your gaze to the ground and notice something there.
Yeg bell.gifYou acquire an item: frost-rimed desk bell
  • This monster cannot be copied.
  • Cannot be staggered:
The Chosen hates you too much to be stopped.
  • All non-spooky damage is reduced to 1 (Hot is doubled to 2).