Heal Thy Nanoself

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Heal Thy Nanoself

Heal Thy Nanoself

You've been injected with millions of tiny physician robots. They'll repair your body when it gets damaged, and eat the bacteria that makes your breath smell bad in the morning.

Everyone's breath smells bad in the morning, right? It's not just me?

Regenerate 10-20 HP per Adventure

View metadata
Effect number: 850
Description ID: e53b59808fef190b0275a0e49b054a44
View in-game: view

Obtained From


  • If you get Beaten Up in combat, the nanobots heal you with the following message:
    The nanobots in your body work overtime, and fix you up.
Beatenup.gifYou lose an effect: Beaten Up
HPYou gain all hit points.


  • The name is this effect comes from the Bible (Luke 4:23): "Physician, heal thyself."

See Also