Haunted soup tureen

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Haunted soup tureen
Monster ID 655
Locations A Large Chamber
Hit Points 21
Attack 24
Defense 21
Initiative 40
Meat None
Phylum undead
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts ladle, tureen
Quest a creased paper strip, a crinkled paper strip, a crumpled paper strip, a folded paper strip, a ragged paper strip, a ripped paper strip, a rumpled paper strip, a torn paper strip, turtle soup
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
haunted soup tureen You're fighting a haunted soup tureen

This is a terrifying porcelain soup tureen that has become infested by the spirits of the turtles that died to make the soup with which it was filled. Okay, that's not particularly terrifying, I guess. Unless you're Guybrush Threepwood. Ewwww, porcelain. *shudder*

Hit Message(s):

The cover of the tureen opens and a nasty voice shouts, "no soup for you!" It really hurts your feelings. Ow!

The ladle bounces off of your <forehead> with a *clang*. Ugh!

The tureen flies at you and connects with your noggin with a *thud*. It turns out to be surprisingly hard, for porcelain. Oof!

The cover of the tureen opens and snaps quickly shut on your <ear>. I guess it was snapping turtle soup. Ouch!

The tureen upends over you, boiling you from soup to nuts. Er, metaphorically speaking. We're not getting into gender issues here. Eek!

The tureen upends over you, covering your <elbow> with boiling turtle soup. Soup of the evening, uncomfortable soup. Ouch!

Critical Hit Message:

The cover of the tureen opens, and you see, pictured in the roiling surface of the soup, an image of how you are going to die. It turns out you're going to die from getting your face too close to hot soup. Ugh! (hot damage)

Miss Message(s):

The cover of the tureen opens and a nasty voice shouts, "no soup for you!" Since you didn't want any soup, it's not so bad.

It flies at you, but you dodge to one side and the tureen careens away. Which makes you feel serene, Eugene.

The ladle flies at you, but misses. Looks like it needs to aim a ladle bit better.

The tureen upends over you, but it's empty. Souper!

The tureen upends in an attempt to pour boiling turtle soup on you, but you step out of the way and mock it.

The cover of the tureen opens and feebly makes fun of you. It must be full of weak mock turtle soup.

Fumble Message:

The cover of the tureen opens, but you slam it closed before anything can happen. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Paperstrip.gifYou acquire an item: a creased paper strip (30% chance)*
Paperstrip.gifYou acquire an item: a crumpled paper strip (30% chance)*
Paperstrip.gifYou acquire an item: a crinkled paper strip (30% chance)*
Paperstrip.gifYou acquire an item: a folded paper strip (30 chance)*
Paperstrip.gifYou acquire an item: a ragged paper strip (30% chance)*
Paperstrip.gifYou acquire an item: a ripped paper strip (30% chance)*
Paperstrip.gifYou acquire an item: a rumpled paper strip (30% chance)*
Paperstrip.gifYou acquire an item: a torn paper strip (30% chance)*
Soupbowl.gifYou acquire an item: turtle soup (?% chance)*
You gain 6-7 <substat>.

Occurs in A Large Chamber.



  • Guybrush Threepwood is the hero of the Monkey Island series of humorous adventure PC games. And yes, he IS afraid of porcelain (at least from Curse of Monkey Island onwards).
  • One miss message refers to mock turtle soup, an English dish. This also functions as a reference to Alice in Wonderland, in which the Mock Turtle (itself a reference to mock turtle soup) sings a song about "beautiful soup, so rich and green... waiting in a hot tureen."
  • Another miss message references the infamous Soup Nazi episode of Seinfeld.