Haunted flame

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haunted flame
haunted flame

This is the flame from a haunted skullabra. It's so haunted that not only can it burn without any combustible material, but it also makes anything beneath it look like a haunted skullabra.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 5 Meat.
Effect: Skulla, Brah (50 Adventures)Makes you look like a haunted skullabra

(In-game plural: haunted flames)
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Item number: 7600
Description ID: 710960621
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Obtained From

The Ruined Wizard Tower
haunted skullabra

When Used

You cup your hands around the haunted flame and place it above your head. You check a nearby mirror and verify that you look like a skull with a candle on top of it. Spooky!
Bigskull.gifYou acquire an effect: Skulla, Brah
(duration: 50 Adventures)


  • Only drops to players with Monster Manuel installed in their Quest Log.


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