Hateful Habiliment

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Outfit number: 93
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The Hateful Habiliment is an outfit.

Hateful Habiliment

Outfit Bonus:
Muscle +15%
Mysticality +15%
Moxie +15%

Hat: Hate lens.gif Lens of Hatred
Weapon: Hate staff.gif Staff of Simmering Hatred
Off-Hand: Hate stone.gif Cold Stone of Hatred
Pants: Hate pants.gif Pantaloons of Hatred
Accessory 1: Hate slippers.gif Fuzzy Slippers of Hatred
Accessory 2: Hate girdle.gif Girdle of Hatred
Hateful Habiliment (Male)


Hateful Habiliment (Female)


The Clothing of Loathing - edit
Hateful Habiliment
Hate lens.gif
Lens of Hatred
Hate staff.gif
Staff of Simmering Hatred
Hate stone.gif
Cold Stone of Hatred
Hate pants.gif
Pantaloons of Hatred
Hate slippers.gif
Fuzzy Slippers of Hatred
Hate girdle.gif
Girdle of Hatred
Dad machine.gif
Violent Vestments
Vio lens.gif
Lens of Violence
Vio knife.gif
Pigsticker of Violence
Vio brand.gif
Brand of Violence
Vio pants.gif
Jodhpurs of Violence
Vio boots.gif
Ass-Stompers of Violence
Vio buckle.gif
Novelty Belt Buckle of Violence
Dad Sea Monkee
Clothing of Loathing
Loathe goggles.gif
Goggles of Loathing
Loathe snife.gif
Stick-Knife of Loathing
Loathe scepter.gif
Scepter of Loathing
Loathe jeans.gif
Jeans of Loathing
Loathe boots.gif
Treads of Loathing
Loathe belt.gif
Belt of Loathing
Loathe square.gif
Pocket Square of Loathing
  Hat Weapon (1-Handed) Off-Hand Pants Accessory Accessory Accessory