Hateful Gaze

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Hateful Gaze

Hateful Gaze

Type: Combat
MP Cost: 0

Source: Equipping Lens of Hatred
Price: N/A
Class: N/A
Level: N/A
Effect: Delevels opponent by 15%.
When Used:
You gaze at your opponent through the Lens of Hatred. He is small. Weak. Pathetic.
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by X
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by Y

or, if you are an Accordion Thief

You gaze at your opponent through the Lens of Hatred. It is small. Weak. Pathetic. Look at it. Can't even attack you, it's so pathetic.
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by X
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by Y
(Staggers opponent)


  • Can only be used once per combat.
  • May stagger your opponent.

See Also