Handful of drink tickets

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handful of drink tickets
handful of drink tickets

This is a handful of little tickets, each of which is good for one free drink at the Orcish Frat House.

Type: usable
Selling Price: 90 Meat.

(In-game plural: hands full of drink tickets)
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Item number: 400
Description ID: 414545502
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Cargo Cultist Shorts
What has it got in its pocketses? (pocket 350)
Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Orcish Frat House
Lambda Upsilon Chi Kappa (with ten-leaf clover)

When Used

Cleverly disguised, you sneak into the Orcish Frat House during a party. You cleverly visit the bar several times, trading your drink tickets for booze which you cleverly conceal in your baggy pants. Pretty clever.
Bottle.gifYou acquire some bottles of whiskey
Bottle.gifYou acquire some bottles of gin
Bottle.gifYou acquire some bottles of tequila
Bottle.gifYou acquire some bottles of rum
Bottle.gifYou acquire some bottles of vodka
Issuebox.gifYou acquire some boxes of wine
Beer.gifYou acquire some ice-cold Sir Schlitzen
Beerbottle.gifYou acquire some ice-cold Willers
Fotie.gifYou acquire some ice-cold foties
You walk into the Frat House during a party, but you only manage to trade in 2-3 of your tickets before the Frat Boys notice you and throw you out.
Bottle.gifYou acquire some bottles of whiskey
Bottle.gifYou acquire some bottles of gin
Bottle.gifYou acquire some bottles of tequila
Bottle.gifYou acquire some bottles of rum
Bottle.gifYou acquire some bottles of vodka
Issuebox.gifYou acquire some boxes of wine
Beer.gifYou acquire some ice-cold Sir Schlitzen
Beerbottle.gifYou acquire some ice-cold Willers
Fotie.gifYou acquire some ice-cold foties


  • Since the Lucky! adventure at the Frat House (no outfit) was changed to Sand in the Vaseline, this is no longer obtainable without Cargo Cultist Shorts.
  • When wearing the Frat Boy Ensemble, you will receive 2-5 items from each handful of tickets (averaging 3.5 drinks per handful); without it, you will only get 2-3 items (average 2.5).
  • In essence, the methodology of determining what drinks you receive is to roll 1d4+1 (1d2+1 when not disguised) to determine how many items you receive, and then roll 1d9 that many times to find each item.
  • The roll of drink tickets gives far better rewards, and also doesn't require an IoTM to obtain.


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