Hair spray

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hair spray
hair spray

This is a regular old can of hair spray. It's pretty boring, until you combine it with one of two things: An open flame, or a girl on the hood of a hot rod.

(Meat Pasting component)
Type: potion
(can also be used in combat)
Selling Price: 12 Meat.
Effect: Butt-Rock Hair (3 Adventures)Moxie +15%

Deals 3-4 Hot Damage

(In-game plural: cans of hair spray)
View metadata
Item number: 744
Description ID: 206943648
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Tavern Cellar
Those Who Came Before You (as a Disco Bandit or Accordion Thief)
The General Store (24 Meat)

When Used

  • From inventory:
You use the hair spray to stiffen your coiffure.
Buttrock.gifYou acquire an effect: Butt-Rock Hair
(duration: 3 Adventures)
  • In combat against non-hot-resistant enemies:
You hold a match in front of the can of hair spray and hose down your opponent for 3-4 damage.
  • In combat against hot-resistant enemies:
You hold a match in front of the can of hair spray and hose down your opponent. It doesn't do any good. At all.




  • The name of this item changed from "can of hair spray" to just "hair spray" on October 7, 2008.
  • Sometime before November 27, 2013, this item used to be a "combat / usable item". It also used to not be a Meat Pasting component.

See Also


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