Guzzlr application

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Guzzlr application
Guzzlr application

This is an application for the pilot program of Guzzlr, an on-demand booze delivery service for drunks on the go. The fact that it's a pilot program means it's currently in limited release, not that it's meant to be used by pilots. It should very specifically not be used by pilots.

Guzzlr tablet

Type: usable
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: Guzzlr applications)
View metadata
Item number: 10532
Description ID: 189491478
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Mr. Store (1 Mr. Accessory)

When Used

You fill out the application. A Guzzlr representative is dispatched to check your pulse, and since you have one, you are approved. The representative hands you a cheaply-manufactured slab of electronics and leaves without so much as a single pleasantry.
Guzzlrtablet.gifYou acquire an item: Guzzlr tablet

If you already own Guzzlr tablet:

You're already a valued member of the Guzzlr team.


  • May 2020's item of the month from Mr. Store.
Its in-store description: Join the gig economy by delivering booze to strangers in exchange for fake money!


"10532" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Preceded by:
sinistral homunculus
Guzzlr application
May 2020
Succeeded by:
bag of Iunion stones