Greaves of the Murk Lord

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Greaves of the Murk Lord
Greaves of the Murk Lord

Nobody knows who the Murk Lord was, but it's a reasonable guess that he lived in a swamp. Which means it's also a reasonable guess that he drowned, because these pants are super heavy.

Type: pants
Power: 120
Outfit: Raiments of the Final Boss
  (8 items)

Selling Price: 2000 Meat.
Cannot be traded

Regenerate 2-5 HP per adventure
+5 to Familiar Weight
All Attributes +5%

(In-game plural: pairs of Greaves of the Murk Lord)
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Item number: 6006
Description ID: 262660969
View in-game: view

Obtained From

The GameInformPowerDailyPro Dungeon
Video Game Boss


Slash.gif Belt of Howling Anger | Boots of Twilight Whispers | Cloak of Dire Shadows | Gauntlets of the Blood Moon | Greaves of the Murk Lord | Helm of the Scream Emperor | Shield of Icy Fate | Sword of Dark Omens

See Also


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