Granny Hackleton

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Granny Hackleton
Monster ID 1925
Locations Investigating a Plaintive Telegram
Hit Points 3000
Attack  ?
Defense unknown
Initiative 0
Meat None
Phylum dude
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts arm, Gatling gun, head, leg, torso, wheelchair
Granny Hackleton's Gatling gun
Pickpocket ?
Accordion ?
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Granny Hackleton You're fighting Granny Hackleton

Of all the fights you expected to get into on this trip, not one of them was a bank-robbing septuagenarian with a gatling gun mounted to her wheelchair. "Draw, ya whippersnapper!" she cackles.

Hit Message(s):

Hoo-boy. Hope you didn't need that <calf>, because there isn't very much of it left. Argh! Ouch! Ooh!

She shoots you in the <nipple>, the <shins>, and the <solar plexus>. Hat trick! Ouch! Ooh! Ouch!

You've never seen one of these crank-guns in action before... but if you don't start dodging, it'll be the last thing you ever see. Eek! Ooh! Ow!

Critical Hit Message:

She sprays bullets all over the ground at your feet. Also at your feet. And pretty much all of the rest of you. (CRITICAL HIT!)

Miss Message(s):

The recoil from her gatling gun has pushed her out of range, and she has to take a minute to wheel back toward you.

With all the bullets spraying out of that thing, it's amazing none of them hit you.

There's a pause in the shooting as one of Granny's nephews runs up to her with a fresh box of ammo.

Fumble Message:

She has to let her gun cool off for a second, and makes use of the time by crowing insults at you. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Buffdime.gifYou acquire 3 buffalo dimes

You tie Granny to her wheelchair (and tie the wheelchair to a lamppost) until the Sheriff arrives to take her into custody. "Thanks for your help, friend," he says. "The Hackletons have been stirring up trouble all the way from the east coast. I'm afraid we don't have enough cash on hand to pay out the reward though, unless you don't mind waitin' around a few days 'til the Federals arrive to pick 'em up."

"Don't worry about it," you reply, patting the gatling gun you removed from Granny's chair. "I'll take my reward in trade."

Grannygat.gifYou acquire an item: Granny Hackleton's Gatling gun

Occurs at The Investigation Thrillingly Concludes! while Investigating a Plaintive Telegram (Wagon Train Escort Wanted).


  • Normal attacks fail with the following message:
You can't bring yourself to hit an old lady.
  • Similarly, no skills can be used in this fight:
You can't bring yourself to use that skill against an old lady.
  • You may only use combat items, and each item can only be used once during the fight, giving the message:
Granny says "Say, that was a nice-looking combat item! You got any more of those?"
  • Attempting to use an item for the second time in the fight gives the message:
You didn't like the way she was looking at the last one of those things you used.
  • Some combat items cannot be used at all, giving the message:
That combat item is pretty nice -- Granny would just steal it if you tried using it on her.
  • Familiars do not act during the fight, instead leaving the message:
Your familiar nuzzles up to Granny and falls asleep in her lap. Aww.


  • A good strategy is to use passive damage effects and equipment to bypass the combat limitations.
  • If you're anticipating a lengthy fight (and not relying on stinging damage), you can use strong deleveling combat items to avoid taking damage for the rest of the fight.