Grand Slammer

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Grand Slammer
Grand Slammer

This trophy is earned by having all 11 unique pogs on the field at the same time in a single combat.

Grand Slammer You're entitled to the "Grand Slammer" trophy, for your mastery of the pogly arts.


  • Order is unimportant, except that either pog #07 (orcish frat boy) or pog #11 (Naughty Sorceress) must be used in the final round of pog-throwing.
    • This is because you must have all 11 pogs on the field at the same time, and the NS will destroy the frat boy if they are used at an earlier point.
  • You can funksling the pogs.


  • The trophy image name is a reference to a Brody's famous quote from the movie Jaws.