Gourd potion

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gourd potion
gourd potion

This is a tiny hollowed out gourd that contains a fizzing orange liquid.

Type: usable
Cannot be traded or discarded
Quest Item

(In-game plural: gourd potions)
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Item number: 748
Description ID: 949980340
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Defend the Gourd Quest

When Used

You drink the liquid from the gourd. It tastes like onions, but it makes you feel more powerful!
You gain 30-35 Strengthliness.
You drink the liquid from the gourd. It tastes like onions, but it makes you feel more powerful!
You gain 30-35 Mysteriousness.
You drink the liquid from the gourd. It tastes like onions, but it makes you feel more powerful!
You gain 30-35 Roguishness.


  • Can be obtained from the Captain up to 21 times.
  • Obtaining all 21 of these from the Captain during a single Hardcore ascension entitles you to the Gourdcore trophy.


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