Gooey lava globs

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gooey lava globs
gooey lava globs

This is like the magic lava equivalent of cinnamon rolls.

(Cooking ingredient)
Type: food (awesome)
Size: 2
Level required: 6
Selling Price: 32 Meat.

(In-game plural: gooey lava globs)
View metadata
Item number: 8470
Description ID: 926336814
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

LavaCo™ Lamp Factory
lava golem

When Consumed

You eat the gooey lava. It's like the eating equivalent of eating cinnamon rolls.
AdventuresYou gain 7-9 Adventures.
You gain 20-40 Enchantedness.
(You gain 2 Fullness.)



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