Good Will Punching

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Good Will Punching
Good Will Punching

This trophy is earned by autoselling one million Meat worth of items under Way of the Surprising Fist.

Good Will Punching You're entitled to the "Good Will Punching" trophy, for donating 1,000,000 Meat worth of items to charity.


  • The donations can be spread out (and the trophy thus earned) over multiple Way of the Surprising Fist ascensions.
  • The trophy does not need to be bought while still in a WotSF run; you can break prism and buy it afterwards when the 10,000 meat is much easier to come by.
  • You can stock up on sellable items such as dense meat stack and then break ronin. However you must prepare the items in advance, as you are unable to access your hangk meat yourself nor spend it in the mall so long as the prism remains. Additionally, don't break the prism or it will end the charity system.
  • Meat donated to charity when autoselling items counts. Meat normally given from completing quests that is instead given to charity does not count. Also, meat normally gained from using items (such as a Warm Subject gift certificate) does not count.
