Glum berry
These berries are usually eaten by wild pokéfam to cure the various weird ailments that pokéfam are susceptible to, but there's probably no reason why a human couldn't eat one.
Type: usable (can also be used in combat) Selling Price: 51 Meat.Removes negative effects and energizes you for a while (In-game plural: Glum berries) | |
Obtained From
- The Campground
- Tall Grass
When Used
You pop the Glum berry into your mouth. It taste like weird medicine. That's probably good?
You pop the Glum berry into your mouth. It taste like weird medicine. That's probably good?
| You lose an effect: ... something[[Data:{{{effect}}}]] |
- Lum berries can actually be eaten by pokemon to cure the various status ailments they're susceptible to.
See Also
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