Glitch season reward name
From TheKolWiki
[Needs description] (In-game plural: [glitch season reward name]s) |
Obtained From
- Stores
- The Swagger Shop (1,000 swagger) (You must earn 1,000 swagger during a glitch season to purchase this item.) (First purchase, only available during PvP Seasons 42, 46, 55, and 62)
- The Swagger Shop (2,000 swagger) (You must earn 2,000 swagger during a glitch season to purchase this item.) (Second purchase, only available during PvP Seasons 46, 55, and 62)
- The Swagger Shop (3,000 swagger) (You must earn 3,000 swagger during a glitch season to purchase this item.) (Third purchase, only available during PvP Seasons 55 and 62)
- The Swagger Shop (4,000 swagger) (You must earn 4,000 swagger during a glitch season to purchase this item.) (Fourth purchase, only available during PvP Season 62)
When Used
- Has a "implement" link rather than use, which displays one of the following (depending on many times you have implemented in total):
- The first time per day this item is Implemented increases a hidden Implementation counter by 1, capped at ???.
- Starts a fight with a %monster% when attempting to eat this item (item is not actually consumed).
- The "implement" button links to "inv_use.php" (which increases the Implementation counter), instead using "inv_eat.php" instead (by macro or by url manipulation) starts a fight with a %monster%.
- You can accomplish this by copying the link on the [implement] button, pasting it in your URL bar, and then replacing "inv_use.php" with "inv_eat.php" in the URL.
- A chat macro can be used to implement the counter and fight with:
/use glitch season reward name && /goto inv_eat.php?pwd='+pwdhash+'&which=3&whichitem=10207
- Can only fight the glitch season reward monster 1/day. Having multiple rewards does not increase the number of fights per day (instead multiplying the reward).
- Prior to July 2019, this item was not marked as public.
- Prior to November 6, 2019, it had a basic [use] link.
"10207" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.