Gingerbread tech bro

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Gingerbread tech bro
Monster ID 1988
Locations Gingerbread Upscale Retail District
Hit Points 75% of Defense
Attack Player's Moxie+10
Defense Player's Muscle+10
Initiative 0
Meat None
Phylum dude
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts head, arm, leg, torso
23-25 sprinkles, gingerbread smartphone, gingerbread hoodie
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
gingerbread tech bro You're fighting a gingerbread tech bro

This gingerbread guy is wearing expensive headphones, which he was able to afford easily because his tee-shirt was free from a startup he used to work at, his hoodie was free from a different startup he used to work at, and his phone and computer were free from the startup he currently works at.

Hit Message(s):

He strangles you with the gold-chromium polyalloy cable to his expensive headphones. Ooh! Ow! Eek!

He bludgeons you with a lanyard full of free thumbdrives from conventions, product launches, vendor demos, and video game collectors editions. Ow! Ugh! Argh!

Critical Hit Message:

He slowly and patiently explains how to use GitHub until you gouge out your own eyes from despair. (CRITICAL HIT!) Eek! Eek! Oof!

Miss Message(s):

He attempts to bore you to death by telling you about the importance of gold headphone plugs.

He starts to flail you with a string of thumbdrives, but realizes his favorite pirated anime fansubs are on there.

Fumble Message:

It looks like he's too busy writing sneering replies to tech-forum help requests to attack you. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Sprinkles.gifYou acquire 23-25 sprinkles
Gingerhoodie.gifYou acquire an item: gingerbread hoodie (3% chance)*
Gingerphone.gifYou acquire an item: gingerbread smartphone (15% chance)*

Occurs at Gingerbread Upscale Retail District.