gingerbread smartphone
This amazing handheld device is one of the most powerful computers ever created by gingerbread mankind. Thousands of engineers collaborated to create it. The supply chain of its manufacture runs through dozens of countries. Every aspect of its appearance is carefully iterated on by the most talented industrial designers in the world. It's incredible. A machine like that must be changing the world, right? It must be used by people for some extremely important purpose, right? Right?
Type: usable Selling Price: 55 Meat. (In-game plural: gingerbread smartphones) | |
Obtained From
- Gingerbread Upscale Retail District
- gingerbread finance bro
- gingerbread gentrifier
- gingerbread tech bro
When Used
You open up an app called solidster and get some fitness tips.
Then the phone runs out of battery, so you throw it away.
You open up an app called cogi.ly and do some brain-training exercises.
Then the phone runs out of battery, so you throw it away.
You open up a dating app called lust.me and spend a while swiping various directions on hot singles in your area.
Then the phone runs out of battery, so you throw it away.
- When you own at least one of this item by the end of combat, it adds a message after each combat in Gingerbread City. This does not include when you get the smartphone as a normal drop, but it does add a message when you pickpocket one.
You pull out your smartphone to see what time it is. [time message]
Elapsed Encounters
Time Message
It's really early!
It's mid-morning.
It's getting close to noon.
It's almost noon!
It's early afternoon.
It's late afternoon.
It's evening.
It's getting close to midnight.
It's almost midnight!
It's after midnight -- shouldn't you be in bed?
"9226" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.