Gingerbread gentrifier

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Gingerbread gentrifier
Monster ID 1986
Locations Gingerbread Upscale Retail District
Hit Points 75% of Defense
Attack Player's Moxie+10
Defense Player's Muscle+10
Initiative 200
Meat None
Phylum dude
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts arm, beard, head, leg, torso
18-20 sprinkles, gingerbread smartphone, gingerbeard
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
gingerbread gentrifier You're fighting a gingerbread gentrifier

This gingerbread man is dressed like a gingerbread man from like 150 years ago, for no reason that you can see. He smells like expensive pomade. He tastes like a normal gingerbread man, though, which you know because he just punched you in the mouth.

Hit Message(s):

He pulls out a fancy Gucci knife and stabs you with it. Argh! Oof! Argh!

He headbutts you and gets fancy French icing all over your face. Eek! Eek! Argh!

Critical Hit Message:

He splashes an extremely complicated cup of coffee in your face. (CRITICAL HIT!) Ow! Ooh! Oof! (hot damage)

Miss Message(s):

He pulls out a fancy Gucci knife, but hesitates because he doesn't want to get your pleb blood all over it.

He ostentatiously adjusts his fancy cufflinks, so you can see that he's wearing fancy cufflinks.

Fumble Message:

He sneers and rolls his eyes at your outfit. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Sprinkles.gifYou acquire 18-20 sprinkles
Gingerphone.gifYou acquire an item: gingerbread smartphone (15% chance)*
Gingerbeard.gifYou acquire an item: gingerbeard (% chance)*

Occurs at Gingerbread Upscale Retail District.


  • "Lumbersexuals" are hipsters who dress up as lumberjacks and grow lumberjack-esque beards to show off their masculinity.