Gingerbread finance bro

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Gingerbread finance bro
Monster ID 1987
Locations Gingerbread Upscale Retail District
Hit Points 75% of Player's Defense
Attack Player's Moxie+10
Defense Player's Muscle+10
Initiative 150
Meat None
Phylum dude
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts head, arm, leg, torso
28-30 sprinkles, gingerbread smartphone, candy necktie
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
gingerbread finance bro You're fighting a gingerbread finance bro

This business-casually dressed recent gingerbread college grad just got out of an important meeting, and apparently you're in between him and the gingerbread strip club he's trying to get to.

Hit Message(s):

He clocks you with the vintage leather rucksack he uses as a laptop bag. Ouch! Ow! Ugh!

He hits you like he hit the sales clerk that told him you can't pop the collar on a dress shirt. Oof! Ouch! Eek!

Critical Hit Message:

He makes a few phone calls, and tanks all the companies your retirement fund is invested in. (CRITICAL HIT!) Ouch! Argh! Ugh!

Miss Message(s):

He stops fighting for a second to check his portfolio.

He stops to adjust the knot in his "power tie".

Fumble Message:

"Get a job," he sneers at you, unaware that your job is basically to murder him. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Sprinkles.gifYou acquire 28-30 sprinkles
Gingerphone.gifYou acquire an item: gingerbread smartphone (15% chance)*
Necktie.gifYou acquire an item: candy necktie (3% chance)*

Occurs at Gingerbread Upscale Retail District.