Gingerbread Nutrition Block

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Gingerbread Nutrition Block
Gingerbread Nutrition Block

This is a small cube of compressed proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It has everything a growing meatsack needs to combat the warbear invasion!

Type: food (decent)
Size: 4
Cost: 75 Meat
Effect: Forbear, Warbears! (20 Adventures)+40 WarBear Armor Penetration

(In-game plural not known - currently impossible to determine.)
View metadata
Item number: -105
Description ID: -105_food
View in-game: view
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When Consumed

You eat the Gingerbread Nutrition Block, gagging slightly as the corners get stuck in your throat. You burp a ginger-y burp, and feel more ready to take on the warbears.
AdventuresYou gain 7-9 Adventures.
Angry.gifYou acquire an effect: Forbear, Warbears!
(duration: 20 Adventures)
Meat.gifYou spent 75 Meat.
(You gain 4 Fullness.)
